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"where are you going? it's so early" seokjin mumbled as he felt jimin leave bed, "they called an emergency staff meeting last night. i don't know why" jimin spoke as he grabbed the clothes he picked out the previous night, seokjin chuckled a bit.

"why are you laughing?" jimin huffed, turning on their bedroom light, "no reason" he smiled, jimin sighed, "okay then" he said, brushing his hair so he looked clean. it was too early to shower.

"we need to talk about our behavior in the workplace" the school's administrator said, jimin internally rolled his eyes. who had called a meeting over behavior? they were all grown adults.

"we got an anonymous report yesterday afternoon. this person is a powerful person that works at south korea's national finance and business administration office and threatened to cut off 100,000 dollars of our school's funding because of some rude comments made to staff" the man said, jimin blinked.

"we don't receive 100,000 dollars in funding" one of the other teachers spoke, "exactly. we'd be in debt"

jimin wanted to smile. seokjin was so powerful. it was dominating in a way that jimin loved.


you threatened my school??



no one is going to mess with my jimin


you're so hot

like so hot

i almost giggled during the presentation knowing u were the one who did it

our administration was sooo mad at the teacher who told me mean things



he knew the consequences


what were the consequences??



let's just my family is very important to this country and its assets and leave it at that 😘😘


he just gave me some cookies hehe

ur so hot ily


he better not flirt with you 😕😕



how about i reward you at home? ;)


oh? ;))

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