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"i really had to leave my pre-k students to go to your parents house at 7am, they couldn't pick a saturday?" jimin asked, setting his backpack in the backseat.

"i know" seokjin sighed, putting on his seatbelt and making sure jimin had his on too. seokjin didn't talk a lot as he drove, he was biting his nails as he drove because of how nervous he was.

jimin looked out the window as they drove through streets that brought them closer to gwacheon, "so did you grow up in seoul or gwacheon?"

"gwacheon, moved to seoul for college" he simply answered, "you're really quiet and it's making me more nervous" jimin said, "i'm nervous too"

jimin rolled his eyes, that wasn't helpful.

"good morning, my name is park jimin" the small boy smiled and bowed, "my husband, kim seojun and i'm kim jiyoo" she said, he face didn't show any sort of expression, "nice to meet both of you"

jimin took off his shoes upon walking in, he made to wear his best socks. he was terrified. the house was big.

"i made brunch" the woman said, the table was set up already. in other words, the interrogation was about to begin. seokjin hadn't spoken a eord since getting there.

"great! thank you!" jimin smiled, he had to smile even if his insides were churning.

"so jimin, what do you do for work?" the man asked, he looked a lot like seokjin, but buff, so the man scared jimin, "i'm a teacher"


"seokjin, are you joking?" his mother asked, "first you bring someone who doesn't have a job, then you bring a grocery stocker, then a freelance artist, now a teacher?" the woman shouted, seokjin didn't answer and just picked at his hands.

"if it helps you feel better, teachers salaries are great. i get paid about 70k anually with benefits included" jimin said, "do you at least teach an advanced subject?"

(a/n: this is a universe wherr teachers actually get paid well for the amount of work they do and put up with)

"i'm a pre-k teacher" jimin said, "i know it's not an advanced subject, but one could argue that it's the pathway that allows students to be high achievers in what ever rigorous courses they decide to take. think of it as setting the fundamentals of learning. you can't do any type of advanced math without first learning your counting numbers" jimin said, putting some food into his mouth.

"fine, what school did you go to?" the woman asked, "konkuk university, it's not the most prestigious university, so there's less work than snu. that allowed me to get internships in special learning centers and schools around the city" jimin said, "i think that's just a lame excuse for not going to prestigious school" the woman said.

"i always thought that you should've started seeing that namjoon boy" the man mumbled, "we talked about this! he's my best friend, we don't like each other like that!" seokjin huffed, what seokjin's father said did hurt jimin's heart.

"he went to snu at 16 with a full ride, that's amazing" the woman said, jimin tried to think of the most impressove thing about himself, but he just wasn't comparable to namjoon's genius brain.

it was silent for a while. jimin was sick of this already, his eyes were filled with tears and his throat felt tight because he was trying not to cry.

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