
292 12 24

tw: mentions of suicide and self harm, mentions of puking


how are you feeling??






like what the heck

and none of my students have been sick??

i was supposed to get up from bed 15 minutes ago and i physically can't like i feel like i will throw up everywhere


what the heck....

jimin, that's not normal

did you eat something bad??

google said stomach virus


oh wow thanks so much for that

im cured now 😘😘☝️☝️

seokjin im crying why do i feel like this


ur probably just sick baby :((

are you going to work??


once i stop crying i'll get up and try to go to work ughh


ok baby

lmk how u feel later on


i will

jimin ended up feeling so sick that he went to the school infirmary during his lunch.

"you haven't eaten, but you're nauseous?" she asked, jimin nodded, rubbing his bloated tummy. it felt like he had eaten a bunch of ice cream.

she hummed, "well your temperature is very slightly above average, but it's not for much concern. i'd say get an appointment with your general practitioner, but if you feel worse, go to urgent care" she said and opened one of her cabinets, "here's a bag for you to throw up in"

jimin groaned, "thanks"

"seokjin said you were sick. he said he can't come over because he has a lot of things to do, so i'm here" yoongi said, setting his bag down and sat down next to jimin who was laying on the couch, "i feel horrible"

yoongi put the top of his hand on jimin's forehead, "you seem fine" he said, "but i don't feel fine"

the slightly older one hummed, "i'm going to give you something, but don't freak out" yoongi said, looking through his bag, he handed jimin a pregnancy test. and mr.min Where stories live. Discover now