Part 19 / {18+ Please}

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Chay and I got Macau moved to the bed so he could be comfortable. Chay wanted to be with Macau. He was worried about him. So Chay lay next to him and watched him while Macau was resting. I had some work that needed to be done, and I wanted to talk to one of my guys to find out about Vegas and see if he needed help from me. Suppose he was able to handle things himself. After a while, I came back to check on Macau and Chay. They were both in each other's arms, sleeping. I sat down in a comfortable chair next to the bed. I sat there watching both of them. When Macau wakes, he will want to be with Chay and me. Because of the side effects of the drug I gave him. He will want to fuck, and fuck a lot. Chay won't be able to handle him on his own.


I started to wake up. I felt very uncomfortable. Things were very hard and ready to break free. All I can remember before passing out was Kim kissing me and telling me to get some rest that I would need it.


I started moving around when I felt and heard Macau. He let out a moan of discomfort. I sat up.

"Macau, are you okay?"

"No, help me."

I looked at him.

"What's wrong....?"

I got very quiet when I saw it. I looked at Macau, then at what looked familiar but much bigger.

"Oh my God, what happened?"

"Chay, I need to fuck you right now."


I couldn't help but look and nervous laugh.

"Macau, I..."

Macau pulled his clothes off and was over me before I knew it.

"Chay, I need you."

I nodded okay and let Macau have me.


I sat there watching Macau and Chay. Macau couldn't hold back, so he went in full force. Chay moaned loudly, making me want to be with them. I made myself stay where I was. I was getting more and more uncomfortable. So I started rubbing myself. I want Macau and Chay so much. A little later, Macau, which was still hard, rolled off Chay. Chay was breathing hard, and so was Macau. I could see Macau wanted more but knew Chay couldn't handle it anymore.

"What about me?"

Macau jumped a little and looked at me. He was mad.

"What the hell did you give me, ass hole!?"


"I need to check on my brother. Why would you do this to me, Kim?"

"Macau, Vegas is okay. Your father got called away again, and he won't be back for a while."

"What did you do?"

Kim looked at me and smiled. Then he stopped and just looked at me. He had a darkness in his eyes. I had a sinking feeling that Kim was in the Knights. A secret organization that works in the shadows for the Main Family. Most people don't know who they are or how they get their information. No wonder Kim was able to find Chay and me. I looked at him.

"I know."

"You know what, Macau?"

"I know who you are, Kim."

"What are you going on about?"

"You're in Knights."

The darkness in his eyes got even darker. Kim looked at me, and he tried to be calm with me.

"Macau, stop. Stop now."

"Stop what?"


"Macau, listen to me. It would be best if you were quiet about this. Knights is not something to joke about."

"Do you think I'm joking with you? How do you know things before we can only get our hands on a little bit of information?"

"I know people."

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