4| finding the truth

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A day had passed since the group had came to the building, and Thomas was determined to find out the secrets they were keeping from them, especially after what Aris had shown him the night before while everyone else was currently asleep

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A day had passed since the group had came to the building, and Thomas was determined to find out the secrets they were keeping from them, especially after what Aris had shown him the night before while everyone else was currently asleep. The cafeteria was crowded like it had been the day before, teenagers listening carefully as Janson was, once again, calling out names to the people inside of the room. Like usual, guards stood around to keep an eye on the many teenagers all around, making sure they weren't gonna do anything that they didn't like and would get punished for it.

At their table, Thomas had his elbows resting on the table as he glared right at the doors. The others sat around him while they listened to Janson's voice, slight cheers being heard from the people that were being called up as they high-fived their group of friends before moving to the front of the cafeteria. Just earlier, Thomas had told his group of friends what he had witnessed in the vents with Aris and he could see that all of them weren't sure about it, thinking he must've just been on edge since Y/n wasn't by his side and it was a new place all together.

"I wanna know what's through that door." Thomas grumbles, making them all look at him.

Newt sighs. "Now, we've been over this. You said they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw. It could've been anything under there."

"I know exactly what I saw. They were bodies." Thomas fires back. "Aris said they bring in a new batch every night."

Minho furrows his brows. "Who the hell is Aris?"

Thomas doesn't reply with words, only looking in the direction of where Aris was sitting. The others follow his gaze, eyes locking on Aris' figure as they watched the boy look at his food weirdly, not eating it like everyone else was.

"Well..." Minho begins, looking back at him. "...I'm sold."

"And last but not least, David." Janson announces as he begins to walk out. "Thank you for your attention. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

"Okay, until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down and try not to draw attention to ourselves, alright?" Newt tells the brunette.

However, Thomas found himself ignoring everything he had just said as he slams his hands on the table while rising to his feet, speed walking towards the doors. From his spot by himself, Aris had been watching with wide eyes like Thomas' friends were also doing. Thomas kept his gaze down, hoping to blend in with the group that were picked but when he was so close to the doors, the guard from the day before pushed him back.

"Hang on. You weren't called." The guard points out.

"I know, I'm just gonna be a second." Thomas informs while stepping forward again.

The guard pushes him back again. "This is a restricted area, kid."

"I just wanna see my girlfriend." Thomas admits with a sigh. "Can you let me through?"

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑, 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗌Where stories live. Discover now