11| searching for the group

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The sun was scorching hot as it shined down on the many people still living within the Scorch, sand being seen everywhere on the ground, no grass being seen ever since the teenagers had escaped the maze

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The sun was scorching hot as it shined down on the many people still living within the Scorch, sand being seen everywhere on the ground, no grass being seen ever since the teenagers had escaped the maze. The occasional wind blew by, sometimes causing the sand to blow around within the air and getting into people's eyes. WICKD was out in the Scorch, searching for the human beings they considered their own property as they went high and wide in hopes of finding the teenagers they had erased their memories from and placed them in the mazes that could easily kill them to see if they were immune.

The group of three had been able to get out of the almost collapsing building as they now found themselves in an alleyway, making sure to keep an eye out if they caught sight of the rest of the group anywhere. As they walked, Y/n and Thomas could hear distant voices just when they heard a thump from behind them. Turning around, they saw Brenda was now on the ground as she ripped a bandage in half before rolling up her pant leg, revealing a deep bite indented into her skin as blood trailed down towards her foot from underneath her boot, the red substance now having dried after a couple minutes. Y/n's eyes widened in realization.

It was a crank bite.

"Shit." Brenda curses.

"Brenda..." Y/n murmurs, trailing off.

Brenda sighs, glancing up at them. "Yeah, yeah. I know. Let's just go find Marcus."

Grabbing her bag, she placed the straps around her shoulders and stood up to her feet as they soon walked out of the alleyway and onto a street. There was a couple minutes of them walking through the streets, the couple glancing around, their hands conjoined as they looked around for their group but also at the people standing around them, different stuff that they were using for shelter and things to keep them warm during the night. It wasn't long until they found themselves moving towards a rather large building where muffled music could be heard from inside.

As Thomas and Y/n looked around with confusion and curiosity in their gazes, the girl noticed that the people around them were wearing completely different clothing styles than the others in the streets they had just been walking through. The females wore jewelry around their necks, their wrists and their ears as they wore dresses or shirt skirts and shirts. This had Y/n wrapping an arm around her torso, having never seen clothing styles like that before as she had always just worn pants, boots, a shirt and a jacket. They soon found themselves walking towards the entrance of the building.

"You here for the party?" A voice calls from behind them.

Stopping in their tracks, the group of three look over their shoulders to see a woman standing there with her hands placed on her hips. She had long blonde hair that was placed in a messy ponytail as it draped along down her shoulder. She wore an orange colored dress, a piece of clothing wrapped around her arms as she wore lots of jewelry on her neck and makeup on her face. The woman had her head tilted to the side as she looked between them, gaze lingering on Y/n that had her feeling uneasy.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑, 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗌Where stories live. Discover now