10| the crank tunnels

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It was dark all around in the cave, dust and dirt floating around in the air after the building that had once been full of people was now collapsing to the ground after it had been exploded by one of the people that lived in it and ran the place

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It was dark all around in the cave, dust and dirt floating around in the air after the building that had once been full of people was now collapsing to the ground after it had been exploded by one of the people that lived in it and ran the place. The sounds of coughing could be heard within the cave by three people as their bodies laid down on the dirty and dusty ground after they had slid down the ropes they had grabbed ahold of on the elevator shaft that was now full of debris and rocks, blocking the pathway of letting the three climb back up the shaft.

Y/n moved to sit up from her laying position, bringing an arm up to cover her mouth as she let out raspy coughs just when a light came on, letting her see. Brenda was holding a flashlight as she checked on the couple before moving the light to shine on the elevator shaft they were just in, seeing all the rocks and debris covering them from going back up. As Thomas and Y/n followed her gaze where she was shining the light, both thought if the others had been able to run off after the building exploded.

Y/n gulps. "No, no. How are we gonna get back to the others?"

"Relax. I'm gonna get us out of here." Brenda assures.

Grabbing the bag she had on her beforehand, she opens a pocket and digs her hand inside, tossing both of them flashlights. There was a moment of silence as both turned their flashlights on, looking around from their positions on the ground before the couple found themselves exchanging a glance with each other, uneasy expressions on their faces as they look to the girl with confusion.

"Why are you helping us?" Thomas asks.

"Trust me, it's not my idea. Jorge seems to think you guys are our ticket to the safe haven." Brenda tells them, receiving confused glances. "You know, paradise. Safe from the sun, free of infection. Supposedly, the Right Arm's been taking kids there for years. Immunes, anyway."

Y/n raises a brow, watching as she stood up. "And you know where that is?"

Brenda shakes her head. "No. But Jorge knows a guy. Marcus. He used to smuggle kids up into the mountains. If Jorge made it out, that's where he'll be taking your friends."

"If he made it out?" Thomas repeats in panic.

"You ask a lot of questions." Brenda points out.

Throughout their conversation, they had all gotten to their feet and looking around the cave while Brenda had moved a wooden piece out of the way, revealing a vent door. When she asked for them to help her lift it up, the couple crouched down and grabbed ahold of the vent, all three of them pulling it off and pushing it off to the side. As they all crouched down around the hole, shining their flashlights down through it, a loud yet distant shriek could be heard, something that Y/n gulping nervously.

"Well, that doesn't sound good." Thomas comments.

Brenda nods. "Yeah. Down here they'll be full term. Let's go."

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