5| escaping wicked

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The hallways were quiet, guards occasionally being seen walking through after they had sent all the teenagers back to their dorms for the night, those teenagers from the different mazes having no idea what was currently happening with the new arri...

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The hallways were quiet, guards occasionally being seen walking through after they had sent all the teenagers back to their dorms for the night, those teenagers from the different mazes having no idea what was currently happening with the new arrivals. They knew that Janson and the people who were heading to their dorm would find out that they weren't there in a moment, but the group had to leave as quick as possible. They had to find Y/n and Teresa before they could leave. They just hoped they wouldn't get caught or have any people stopping them along the way, even if they knew they would.

Thomas pushed open a vent door to an empty hallway, stepping out as he looked around to make sure no one was coming while the others all rushed out. Seeing that they were only peaking out until he told them it was all clear, the brunette ushered them out of the vent as they glanced around with panicked gazes, hoping that the two girls of their group weren't too far from where they were right now. As they all went to run off, Aris had found himself staying planted by the vent.

"You guys go ahead. There's something I gotta do." Aris calls out, making them walk back to him.

Thomas furrows his brows. "What are you talking about?"

"Trust me, it's important." Aris assures as he looks between them. "You guys wanna get out of here, right? Just go."

"I'll go with him." Winston offers.

Thomas only nodded before ushering the others to follow as they rushed off in the other direction while Winston and Aris moved back inside the vent. Just as they were turning the corner to go down a hallway, they all came to a stop at the sight of a woman standing in front of the them, a woman Thomas was quick to realize that it was the doctor he had seen Y/n with. Dr. Crawford jumped at the sight of them before she let her gaze look between them in suspicioun.

"What are you kids doing out?" Dr. Crawford asks.

Before any of them could say or do anything, an alarm was blaring throughout the building, making the teenagers look at the lights flashing before looking at each other, then looking back at her. They watched as realization came across Dr. Crawford's face before she spun around and started running off. However, the boys were faster as they stopped before. Next thing she knew, Thomas was holding onto her arms as they speed walked through the hallways as Dr. Crawford had told them where to go.

The alarms continued blaring all around as they turned the corner and were rushing down a hallway. When they reached the end, the sound of a deep voice shouting for them to freeze had their bodies tensing up, quickly running back when the guard began shooting at them. Stopping halfway, Minho felt himself turn back around as a glare came upon his face. He ignored Thomas and the others shouts as he started speeding back in the direction they had came from, grunts escaping him while doing so.

When he was reaching the end, the guard had finally turned the corner just as Minho lunged at him, jumping up and knocking him unconscious. While the Asian boy stared down at the unconscious man, the others rushed right back to him until they stopped beside him to stare down at the man in shock at the actions Minho had just done, clearly showing that hadn't been expecting that. Thomas was quick to bend down and grab the gun the guard have, checking for ammo before he was pushing the woman forward once he saw there was ammo.

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