14| the plan

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The sun was now out

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The sun was now out. A day had gone by ever since one of their own people had betrayed her own group and had called WICKED, the many guards all around destroying the camp that had been made by many people in the Right Arm all around. Around the smoking and burnt out camp, dead bodies could be seen laying around, many having been shot and killed by the people who worked for WICKED, one of them being Mary herself, a woman who had worked for WICKED before she realized what they were doing and how obsessed Ava Paige was on finding a cure for the Flare and to stop all of this once and for all.

The lasting group members of the maze could be seen around the camp, none of them saying anything as the white fluffy-looking clouds moved in one direction in the bright blue sky early in the morning for the survivors. The occasional chatters in the distance could be heard as people were trying to figure out what they should do now after WICKED attacked them. The dead bodies had been placed into bags, covering their lifeless faces. Y/n found herself crouched on the ground, placing some stuff in her bag as the stuff that had happened just hours ago was constantly playing all throughout her brain.

"What do we do now?" Frypan asks, breaking the silence.

"Well, we pick up what's left of us. We stick to the plan. We get you kids to the safe haven." Vince informs, standing up from his crouched position. "Then we start over, I guess."

Y/n places her bag around her shoulders, standing up. "I'm not going with you."

This had everyone's eyes looking to the e/c eyed girl, Thomas' eyes widening in shock and confusion as many of them stand up from the spots they had been sitting or crouched around. Y/n looked between all of them, making eye contact with Thomas as she gave him a look, making him know exactly what she was gonna do. She had spoken about this to him before, even if she didn't give much detail.

"I made a promise to Minho. I wouldn't leave him behind. I have to go after him." Y/n continues.

"Hey, kid, look around you. Alright? WICKED just kicked our ass." Vince reminds. "You think about where you're headed."

"He's right." Thomas speaks up, walking towards his girlfriend until he was beside her and he grabbed her hand. "But Minho's our friend. We can't leave him behind."

"Guys, listen to me." Newt demands, making them look at him. "I've known Minho for... Well, as long as I can remember. So, if there was any way that we could help him, trust me, I would be up there standing next to you. This, what you're talking about... is impossible."

"More like suicide." Jorge corrects.

Y/n nods, shrugging. "Maybe. But I know what I'm supposed to do now. It's not just about Minho. It's about all of us. It's about everyone WICKED's ever taken, everyone they will take."

"She's right. They'll never stop." Thomas adds, causing her to nod as she looks at him. "They'll never stop, so we're gonna stop them. We're gonna kill Ava Paige."

"I have to admit..." Harriet begins, all eyes moving to her. "...I'd like some revenge."

"Well, that's a good speech, kids. So, what's your plan?" Vince questions.

And with that, all eyes looked towards the couple, who slowly looked at each other as Thomas squeezes her hand. They had a plan, a plan to bring Minho and everyone else back. A plan to stop WICKED once and for all before they would kill and torture more people in the future just to find a cure.

And they'd do it, even if it'd kill them.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑, 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗌Where stories live. Discover now