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Shouto accepted Katsuki's invitation to Neito's party without fuss, but Katsuki was still apprehensive. Tonight could go several ways, many of them disastrous. But the party was to celebrate the Heroes winning the championship, so everyone should be in a good mood, Neito included.

He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his varsity jacket. Shouto walked beside him, oblivious to his nerves. Neito's house was several blocks away, but Katsuki appreciated the extended alone time with Shouto. The evening atmosphere was serene, a quiet September breeze gliding through his hair. And with the most beautiful person Katsuki ever laid his eyes on smiling sweetly at him, he wanted to call everything off and spend the rest of the night on this sidewalk, talking and falling harder for Shouto than he should allow himself to.

"You're sure you want to do this?"

Shouto tilted his head. "Yeah. Why? Do you not want me there?"

Katsuki's eyes softened. "Of course I do. But I also don't want to make you uncomfortable."

They turned onto Neito's street. Katsuki's mind told him to turn around, but his legs didn't listen. How was Shouto so relaxed about this? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Shouto gave Katsuki a playful nudge. "You worry too much."

Katsuki smiled and nudged him back. "Well sorry for caring."

A small giggle left Shouto's lips. It was the perfect remedy for Katsuki's anxiety. Anyone would feel lighter if they heard something so pure. If Shouto insisted on pulling at Katsuki's heartstrings the entire night, perhaps this party wouldn't be so bad.

"Just stay close to me when we get there, okay?" Katsuki said. "There's gonna be a lot of people and I don't want us to get separated."

Shouto nodded. "Okay."

The front door to Neito's house was open, as expected. Katsuki held the door open for Shouto, entering the Monoma foyer right behind him.

"Hey, it's Katsuki!"

Katsuki was met with cheers and hollers, as well as a few hugs from friends and teammates. Shouto stood awkwardly behind him, which had Katsuki feeling like a jackass. Just because he knew how to throw a baseball didn't mean he was more important than Shouto. At least Eijiro was nice enough to give Shouto a hug as well.

True to his word, Katsuki refused to leave Shouto's side. They often had to hold hands to navigate through crowded rooms, which had Katsuki's brain short circuiting. He couldn't tell if Shouto's nonchalance about holding his hand was better or worse.

Luckily, Katsuki hardly interacted with Neito at all, except for when the entire team got together to take celebratory photos. They were also meant to take a group shot, but Katsuki decided before he arrived that he wanted to stay sober tonight. Getting plastered at a party where he was one of Shouto's few friends in attendance would be an asshole move.

In the living room, they could hardly hear each other over the music. Shouto, tugging Katsuki's jacket sleeve, leaned to speak in his ear.

"I'm thirsty."

The room was packed, so Katsuki didn't have much space to put his hand. It ended up on the small of Shouto's back as he answered.

"Let's go to the kitchen."

Hand in hand again, Katsuki led Shouto to the kitchen. They had to roam every shelf in the Monoma fridge to find a beverage for Shouto's liking, but there was a carton of orange juice in the far back. Shouto preferred apple, but it would have to do.

They migrated to the game room, and Katsuki instantly regretted it. Lots of his friends were there, but so was Neito. And judging from his sloppy posture and dopey smile, he was plenty intoxicated.

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