Morning Detour

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Typically, Katsuki would've been embarrassed by the elation that tugged at his lips when Shouto hopped in his car the following morning. However, he was too smitten to care.

"Good morning."

"Hi," Shouto answered, more confident than he was last night. "Your hair looks nice today."

Katsuki sheepishly ran a hand along the side of his blond locks. "Thank you."

And that was it. Katsuki threw the truck in reverse and backed out of the driveway. It was Monday, the beginning of another school week. It'd only been two days, but Katsuki felt strange about going back. So much happened in such a short time, from the Heroes winning the championship to his blossoming relationship with Shouto. They weren't official (they were taking things slow for Katsuki's sake), but they were very much together.

Katsuki's right hand laid flat on the armrest, driving strictly with his left. Admittedly, he did it on purpose. As he hoped, Shouto took the bait, slowly slipping his hand into Katsuki's free one and interlacing their fingers. Katsuki kept his eyes on the road, but made no attempt to hide the upward curvature of his mouth.

They took turns squeezing the other's hand, though Katsuki was more dominant. He loved brushing his thumb against Shouto's smooth skin. Katsuki rejoiced at how naturally their hands fit together, like fate decided he and Shouto were each other's perfect match before they even met.

He didn't want to repeat his mistakes from when he was with Camie. Katsuki was so certain she was the one and planned out his entire future with her in mind. All that got him was a tumultuous breakup and a shattered heart. He wanted things to work out this time, especially when it was no secret Katsuki would never find anyone that could compete with Shouto.

He didn't want to get ahead of himself, but it was hard.

Katsuki and Shouto were meant to spend their lives together. Except until this past weekend, Katsuki assumed it'd be as friends. Now, he had strong inkling they could be more than that. Forever.

Of course, they were young. There was no use getting wrapped up in the future when he was having this much fun in the present. If this leap in their relationship was to occur during their teenage years, then Katsuki wanted to capitalize on it in true teenager fashion.

Instead of following the usual route to school, he turned onto a quiet side street, driving through the backroads. Shouto didn't comment on it until Katsuki pulled into an abandoned parking lot.

"Why'd you bring me here?"

Katsuki smiled. Shouto's obliviousness was as cute as it was entertaining. He slid his hand out of Shouto's grasp and unbuckled his seatbelt. Gently, he then ran his fingers through the red half of Shouto's hair.

"You tell me," he whispered.

He brought their lips together. It was soft at first, then Katsuki's desire took over. Of the two, he was the more experienced kisser, and it showed. He sucked on Shouto's bottom lip, earning him a small squeak from a highly flustered Shouto.

"What are you doing?" he asked, catching his breath.

Katsuki grinned and cocked his head to one side. "C'mon," he muttered. He leaned in again, stopping right before their lips connected. He scanned Shouto's face, a mix of admiration and lust in his gaze. "Make out with me."

Shouto's face reddened. "I'm not opposed to it, but, um...why here?"

"Well I won't be able to kiss you again until much later." He shrugged before offering a cheeky smile. "And I'm selfish."

Shouto giggled, but leaned forward anyway. "Yes. You are."

Still smirking, Katsuki peppered a few kisses along Shouto's jawline. "Don't act like you don't like it."

"Never said that."

Katsuki worked his way back to Shouto's lips. As they made out, he kept a hand in Shouto's hair while Shouto clamped both of his hands on Katsuki's shoulders. They moved in sync as if they'd been doing this for years. It was electric, divine, and more fulfilling than any of Katsuki's fantasies.

When Katsuki's excitement spread to his lower region, he pulled away. Not that he never imagined getting that kind of physical with Shouto, but now was not the time or place. He and Shouto weren't even dating yet. Even when that day came, surely that level of intimacy wouldn't happen until much later. For now, first base was plenty for Katsuki.

He kissed Shouto's cheek. "You're so cute."

"Thank you," Shouto mumbled. His hair was disheveled from Katsuki having a strong hold on it earlier. Truthfully, it made him look more attractive. "Do you think we'll be able to keep a low profile at school?"

"I don't know." Katsuki flashed a smug grin. "You haven't been able to keep your hands off me since Saturday night."

Shouto snorted. "Says you!"

Katsuki laughed when Shouto shoved him. "I think we'll be alright," he clarified. "Everyone already knows we're close. We just can't touch each other."

Shouto nodded with his lips pressed together. Then, slowly, a devious smile appeared on his angelic face. "Better get it out of my system now, then."

He dug his fingers into Katsuki's sides. Katsuki yelped and, in a fit of hysterics, reached for Shouto's wrists, but to no avail. Shouto was surprisingly agile, tickling Katsuki's torso and howling with laughter.

"Hey!" Katsuki giggled. "Not cool!"

When Shouto didn't let up, Katsuki tickled him back. Their little fight continued for less than a minute. Any longer than that and they would've burst into tears. Katsuki was the clear winner when it was over, but Shouto sported a smile that was just as wide.

Katsuki could stay here all morning, but school was an unfortunate happenstance of adolescence. He buckled himself back in and drove himself and Shouto to UA, taking the proper route this time. Their flirtatious exchange replayed in his mind as the truck rolled into the school's parking lot. The memory would have to last until school was over and he and Shouto could be alone again.

They stayed casual as they walked through the front gates. Katsuki's face brightened upon seeing the big banner in the main hallway dedicated to the baseball team's big win. Most of the walk to his and Shouto's lockers was being greeted by teammates and other students hyping him up.

He took it all in stride, but the championship game was no longer a top priority. Katsuki now had something worth celebrating a lot more, that being the person at his side. Of course, that was between the two of them for now.

After Katsuki grabbed his morning textbooks, he and Shouto headed for the other boy's locker. Before they got there, however, Katsuki caught sight of someone he thought he wanted to stay away from. But honestly, seeing the purplish red mouth and swollen eye, Katsuki grinned at his creation like a proud artist.

"Nice face, Neito."

Neito scowled, but kept quiet. Katsuki knew Neito wouldn't spill to anyone about what they talked about at his party. The guy was too much of a coward. Still, Katsuki kept eye contact as he and Shouto walked past, challenging Neito to even think about outing them. Neito looked away first, giving Katsuki his answer. Katsuki would be lying if he said it wasn't satisfying.

Then Katsuki returned to focusing on Shouto, the one who mattered. It'd be difficult to hide his true feelings for an eight hour school day, now that they laid everything out in the open. But for Shouto, Katsuki would do anything.

Anything to protect the greatest gift life had ever blessed him with.

A/N: I'm very sorry for the short chapter, as well as the delayed posting. My mental health hasn't been in the best shape lately, plus I've been experiencing a little bit of burnout. But I also didn't want to leave you guys hanging too long without something to read.
On the plus side, I'm feeling better now and the next chapter (of a more adequate length) should be out in the next 3-5 days as usual! Thank you to everyone who wished me well in my absence

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