Day 2: Failed Rescue Attempt

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 All in a day's work right? Getting up, being yanked by a hand through the crowd of people swarming to get on the subway, not making it on the subway but rather an unknown moving vehicle, with wrists and ankles tied together when an unknown wire cutting into his skin.

Peter could feel the wetness on his cheeks. All his senses were dialed up, although it was a bit too late for that. He constantly felt the small prick of danger surrounded by people so he didn't look into it- not until it was already upon him. Now he was stuck in some vehicle- a van?- and no matter how hard he pried the metal wouldn't break.

The earmuffs placed over his ears wouldn't allow him to hear anything other than the occasional ruffling of the muffs themselves when the van jerked. The seat was rough and he was strapped down tight around both the waist and calves. His unknown claustrophobia was rising, and he could feel hypertension despite not hearing the loud breaths- scaring him even more. He could feel vibrations- someone was...yelling? He felt hands on his neck checking his pulse, and a brief needle hitting his thigh before blacking out, falling into a quiet bliss.

He woke up face to face with Captain America. The pain came next. But first and foremost he tried to focus on the fact that Captain freaking America was sitting in front of him. Albeit also being tied up and a bit bloody, it was a sight to see. Even after the airport there was just this air around the Captain.

Oh wait- he was tied up. Peter groaned. "They got you too? You know it's an honor to meet you again Captain, also I feel it's always on bad terms. Seeing you here makes me feel better about myself though since it wasn't a rookie mistake getting kidnapped you know, but I'm also freaking out about that fact and I know my Aunt is going to kill me but on the bright side I don't have to eat her meatloaf which she was planning tonight- which believe me is awful- but all of a sudden I kind of rather have that over being here and I'm rambling right now aren't I," He finally said finishing, exhaling a huge gasp of breath. He became aware of the few tears running down his cheeks and he looked at the Captain in embarrassment. "Sorry- I would wipe my face right now if I could," He gestured his arms out to the Captain which were still shackled together.

"Kid.." Steve started. "Who are you?" Peter stared at him in surprise.

"Shoot I forgot to introduce myself! Sorry about that, my Aunt reminds me all the time but I always get so eager about everything I kinda forgot although I swear I'm not trying to be rude-" A polite cough has him focusing in again on the question, "So yeah, I'm Peter Parker," He finished lamely.

"So Peter Parker.. How did you end up in this fine cell today?" Steve asked and Peter looked around finally realizing they seemed to be in a prison cell. "I have no idea- Although I suspect they found out my identity which is just awesome," His voice hardened.

"Identity?" Steve said, treading with his words. Peter on the other hand just looked at him once again in shock, "Yeah, Spiderman ya know? Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman? Ring any bells? The airport? You dropped that tunnel on me?"

Steve found himself without an answer to all those questions. "That's.. That's why Tony had me come here," Peter's face lit up.

"Mr. Stark had you come? Oh we're saved!" The captain deadpanned in return.

"I was the savior, but clearly things didn't turn out that way," He said dejectedly.

Peter's face slowly fell as the news sunk in. "Oh shoot," 

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