Day 4: Nightmares

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Ok, so not exactly irondad, but I just love the relationship between Peter and May so a little comfort fic of that. 

 Peter woke up with a startle, drenched in sweat head to toe. His heart pounding and everything around him too in focus that it seemed to blur. Another blur of fire, of debris, the plague of his failures. Just another nightmare.

He shakily grabbed the water glass near him gulping down greedily, before putting it down and closing his eyes trying to calm his breath and regain his senses. He blearily checked his clock and groaned seeing the bright green digital numbers glare an alarming three 'o seven am at him.

"Frick," He groaned. Another night without sleep it seemed. He reached for his lamp to turn it on, but misjudged the distance through the dark and he fell off the side of his bed. Peter laid on the floor the will to get up leaving him.

He thought he might just fall asleep again right there but he was interrupted by the creaking of his door. The lights snapped on and he jerked as the light hit his eyes abruptly. His arm came up to cover his eyes as they adjusted to the light. He slowly removed his arm after thirty seconds and came face to face with Aunt May.

"May?" he croaked, questioningly.

"Peter! What are you doing on the floor?" She put her hand on his forehead. "And why are you so sticky? You're practically covered in sweat. Are you sick?" She observed him carefully, concern was shining in her expressions.

He slowly sat up with her help, and he rubbed his head carefully. "It's nothing May. Just a nightmare. I was trying to turn on the light and fell off my bed, that's all. Go back to bed, you have a long day of work tomorrow," Peter replied, getting up and rearranging his bed.

"Don't," May said sharply. Peter pivoted around to see her livid face. "Do-don't discard your feelings. Can you please think about yourself for once. Everyday I'm scared that my nephew won't come home- and I'm so freaking proud- but I'm still terrified as a guardian because I know you Peter. I know that you will always put others before yourself and no matter how much I admire that I wish you cared a little more. I care, Peter. So tell me, what happened right now. What was your nightmare about?" By the end of her rant she had tears welled up, glassy eyes drilling through Peter causing his heart to clench.

"It was-," he choked up. May grabbed his arm and carefully guided him to the bed where they both sat in the dim light of the lamp, the clock's insistent ticking filling up the empty space.

"I was fighting the vulture..."

And suddenly Peter could feel the rocks slowly dropping out of the bag on his back as he talked and talked and talked.

Everything suddenly felt just a little lighter. 

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