Day 5: "Let Me See"

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I haven't actually watched the movies in a while so this scene will probably be inaccurate- please let me know so I can correct it! I feel their personalities/characters were a bit off in this one shot so I'm hoping to come back and fix/edit this as well- hope you enjoy anyways tho :) 

 Peter thought he knew a whole bunch about Tony Stark. He knew he was Iron Man, he knew about his on and off relationship with Pepper, he knew his birthday, age, everything on Wikipedia or the media. But he also knows more from the hushed whispers of their late night lab sessions; about Tony's dad, who Jarvis was to him, the insomnia that caused his caffeine addiction.

He didn't know why Tony seemed so stressed when Rhodey had talked about the rogue avengers, the way his face had turned an alarming shade of white, how scared he had looked. It was all a mystery.

Until it wasn't.

It was just another lab day. "I'm going to grab some coffee from downstairs," Tony said casually, standing up and brushing off the dust off his pants.

"You just had a cup earlier," Peter argued, more concerned than annoyed. "Plus there is a coffee machine in this room,"

"The one downstairs is much better," Tony walked out the lab to go despite Peter's annoyed grunt.

"THEY ARE THE SAME THING!" Peter yelled at his retreating figure, before rolling his eyes and going back to his work. As he tinkered for a few seconds he was struck with a thought. "Friday," He said, his voice quiet. "Pull up any files to do with the avengers," He was shown hundreds of files. He thought hard before remembering Tony's extreme reaction to hearing about Steve staying. "Narrow it down to Steve Rogers,"

He was shown a few files. He clicked on one. It was a dark room, the graphics blurry. "Where is this?" He wondered out loud.

"Siberia," Friday replied to his rhetorical question, although the answer was quite helpful. Two blurry figures stood in the screen and Peter could make out Tony and Steve, he watched the clip in a horrified trance.

Peter watched as Steve slowly retrieved and Peter didn't even notice how enraptured he was until a hand grabbed his shoulder, shocking him out of his trance. He jerked up to see Tony's face but all Peter could see was the bloody mess left behind on the floor. Tony blocked Peter from the screen, his solemn expression cutting Peter's heart.

"Let me see," Peter whispered. Tony shook his head. "Let me see," Peter said, his voice growing louder although still shaking. Tony didn't move.

"LET ME SEE!" Peter yelled. Tony flinched at the volume but stood firmly. 'That son of a - he left you there. HE LEFT YOU TO DIE!" Peter felt the water on his cheeks, the salt slipping through his lips. "Yo-you could have died," Peter sobbed.

He was embraced with warm arms. "Don't ," Mr. Stark whispered. "That was between me and him. He's the same Captain America,"

"Why?" Peter whispered, horrified. "You- why are you protecting him? Are you trying to save my image of him? I can't- I can't think of him as a hero. Don't defend him. DON'T YOU DARE DEFEND HIM," His voice lowered. "Yo-you can't,"

"I can. I have to defend him. That's what heroes do," Mr. Stark said.

"Heroes don't have to defend villains," Peter whispered into the silence.  

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