Day 8: No Anesthesia

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ofc one day behind as always. I swear i have no idea what consistency means. will i catch up one day? highly unlikely. enjoy todays tho :)  

"You are under no circumstances patrolling the next two weeks you hear me?" The stern voice protruded Peter's thoughts, and by the time he realized the meaning of those words Mr. Stark had already retreated out of his room. One time of turning off his comms so he could focus. Okay maybe ten times....but anyways. What a helicopter parent.

"Wait-!" But the door had shut behind him before the word could fully get out. Peter collapsed in the bed with a huff. "So freaking annoying," He muttered.

Right on time sirens passed the window. "Well... he didn't say effective immediately," Peter said slyly. He quickly pulled on his suit, and pried open the window. "Hey Friday? Can you keep this between you and me, just for today," Peter jumped out the window leaving a reply to the wind. He swung through the buildings feeling no remorse, although he could already feel Mr. Stark's wrath from miles away.

He cringed from the thought, and continued to swing. He came across the scene and could already feel the toll on his body. Two buildings on fire. Multiple people in black running around. Something... swinging? He decided to focus on the buildings and start evacuating the building. Within seven grueling minutes he could feel his lungs clogging up, his eyes burning even through the mask.

"Peter the heat is seeping through the suit. You have approximately three more minutes before the smog fills up your lungs," Karen's voice rang in his ears.

Peter took a desperate gasp for breath, continuing to try to grab people and swing them out of the building, one by one, ignoring the heat seeping through the suit. Two minutes. One minute thirty seconds.

He exited the building with thirty seconds to spare, grabbing the last child. He almost threw the child into the waiting parents arm, and almost collapsed in relief and pain. He fell on his knees, and exhaled deeply resisting the urge to tug off his mask in front of all these people. He grabbed his head trying to steady his heart rate. He heard a loud scream and ran directly towards the noise. At this point he was almost sure he was either concussed or had the worst migraine in his life.

From the corner of his eyes he saw a flash of red and gold. "Shoot," He muttered. He didn't have time to waste on Tony's mother hen tendency's. He swung faster, avoiding the sound of the comms linking.

"Kid, you better not run into that fight," Mr. Stark sounded pissed. Probably valid, but still obnoxiious. Peter stared ahead at the three men wearing black, each holding guns. He was less than half a mile away and they seemed to be alerted of his presence. He should have slowed down. He should have stopped and let Mr. Stark deal with it. He really should have.

But he saw that small child standing so close to them. He saw one look at her and raised their gun. And suddenly 'should have' became 'didn't'.

Peter intercepted and everything went black.


"You are forever grounded," Peter blinked wearily once again looking at one pissed Tony Stark. At this point Peter found that fair. He nodded exhausted, and fell back into sleep again. 

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