Day 3: Blood Loss

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 Peter knew he was sick. Granted he didn't really do much about it. There really wasn't much he could do as his super metabolism prevented him from taking any medication. That left him with the one and only natural remedy called sleep. And why would he want to do that?

Instead he decided to simply go about his day despite the aching in his head, the way his lungs constricted with each breath, and how his body felt like it would fall over with the slightest breeze.

"You good dude?" Ned asked him, eyes starting at him concerning. Peter gave him a tight nod in return knowing he may puke if he opens his mouth. Ned opened his mouth to say something but the bell rung cutting him off, and Peter quickly ran off to his next class not wanting to hear what he probably should be doing from Ned,

MJ sat behind him during his Science and he could feel her drilling holes into the back of his head. He peeked over his shoulders and she was hunched over her notebook sketching once again. He didn't have to see it to know it was him. She looked up at the moment and they made eye contact, before Peter turned around abruptly cutting it off.

"I'm fine," he mumbled before trying to focus once again on what the teacher was saying. It seemed to all be blurring in his head and the rest of the school day flew within minutes of blurry images of teachers, teenagers, notes, and weird stares.

By the time he came home he just wanted to crawl into bed and die, but he put on his suit in routine. He stepped out onto the fire escape as he slowly exited purely working on muscle memory, his brain not functioning anymore. His body was on autopilot, his subconscious exiting the chat.

Karen's voice suddenly filled his head and he attempted to focus in. "Peter, you have a dangerously high fever and you seem to have the flu. This seems to be leading to a case of pneumonia and it is suggested you see a doctor before it advances. I highly suggest against patrolling today,"

"I 'hafta," Peter slurred. He was swinging and it was so fast he could feel the vertigo and everything hurt. He could feel his eyes shutting and at that point he didn't care. He stopped on a building, his body slowly shutting down. He collapsed on his knees, sitting there for a few minutes trying to regain any sense of feeling. He could hear a female voice ringing in his ears- karen?- but he couldn't recall the words coming out.

All of sudden the warmth around his face had disappeared and a burst of cool air hit his face. He opened his eyes briefly and came face to face with one pissed Tony Stark.

"Do you have any semblance of self care? Are you stupid? Your new goal had to be 'how bad can I mess myself up today? You're lucky Karen called me kid. You look like you're a bit past your expiration date," Peter stared at him in shock.

He carefully opened his mouth to reply, when it all surged at once and he threw up all over Tony Stark's shoes. Except- that wasn't puke. Th-that was blood. Peter's eyes rolled up in his head, and he promptly collapsed to the side, falling straight off the building.

He came to once again, tubes hooked up in his throat. "Three months,"


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