43. Robaire Agent

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"You're walking like a penguin," Aceline notes. "Busy night yesterday?"

"Be quiet," I grumble, bringing my legs closer together. "It's not my fault I can't control my emotions."

"I don't mind." She shrugs. "I mean, at least Ezra looks human now. So, are you guys together again?"

"Yeah, we are." I smile. "We worked things out and we're together again." I pick the chipping nail polish on my nail. "It's nice. I missed him."

"I figured as much," Aceline says. I take her arm and we cross the grass carefully, maneuvering around the small hills and thick sticks until we're on the pavement again. "I saw him this morning before he went to court."

"He looks better, doesn't he?"

"Obviously, I said he looks human again." She snorts. "I hope he doesn't start floating in front of the judge, though. I doubt that will help his case."

"Like in cartoons?" I chuckle. "It would be funny if he does, but I don't think he will. Ezra knows when to be serious and when to play around."

"You know him too well." She jabs my elbow with hers teasingly. "Soon you may take my spot as the favorite."

"Nah, I'd never do that," I say. "I'm not that mean."

"Sure." Aceline stops in front of the glass doors. Her hesitation is palpable and she doesn't follow me when I approach the handle. "Uh, Meera?"


"Are you sure about this?" She bites her lip, tittering in place. "I-I mean, does Ezra know that you're going to do this?"

"No. If I told him, he'd most likely get upset," I say. My hand tightens around the bar. Remember, push, don't pull. "But if we don't do this, then our chances of getting you guys to stay in the U.S. are done for. It's a risk we have to take."

"Yes, but still..." Aceline blinks furiously. She tilts her head and glares at the sign hanging above her. "Are you completely sure? I mean, you know nothing about him...or her, and still..."

"You don't have to come inside if you don't want to," I say, catching the door when a couple exits the building. "I understand why it might be a bit nerve-wracking for you, and I don't want to push you to see somebody that you resent."

"Please, I hardly know him," she scoffs. "Ezra resents him more than I do. It's her that I'm nervous about."

"Adriana? Why?" I frown. "She hardly knew you, and by the time you two met, she was leaving."

"I should rephrase that." Aceline grabs the door and lazily gestures for me to enter. "It's not Adriana that I fear. It's her family."


The police station is having a relaxing day. The lobby is empty and fresh; it smells like fresh lavender and leather. All the chairs in the waiting area are empty and the TV is muted. The room is filled with silence, save for the ringing in my ears, and the officer that greets us acts like she hasn't seen a person in days, if the wild look in her eyes and the jerky movements of her handshake say anything about her current state of mind.

"They let her work as a police officer?" I hiss. "The poor woman looks like she's about to faint or scream."

"Surprisingly," Aceline murmurs. Then, she scowls. "Damn it, Meera! I'm screwed."

"You can go sit over there." I point to one of the chairs. "I'll be in and out, I hope."

Aceline hesitates, weighing her options, and in the end, she stays rooted in her spot, wordlessly giving me her answer. She doesn't look at me, though; she still has to keep some of her ego intact.

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