8. Drunk Decisions

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"What happened last night?"

Chandini and I sit despondently on the couch. She flicks aimlessly through the channels and I scroll through job ads on my laptop. Previously, we were sitting in silence, sometimes looking at the bills on the table, the tilted family picture on our wall, or the brown stain of the mashed potatoes from last night.

"A mental breakdown," I mutter, wiping the corners of my eyes to keep them open. I don't know why I'm on my computer if I can't even stay awake. After a few seconds, I close the lid.

"But why?" Chandini hardly touched her food, and her hair and clothes are ratty. "Why was she so worried?"

"You heard her," I sigh. "Our family is broken, little moon. Apart from Mausi, the only people that Riya has left are us. At least here." I click my tongue. "Fuck, why didn't I see her stress before?

"Probably because you had your own things to worry about," Chandini says. "Don't blame yourself."

"I'm not," I say. "I'm just...I'm confused, Chandini." I try to keep my eyes from watering. "Riya will be leaving soon, and God knows when she'll be able to come back! We don't even know if Mausa will make it..." I bite my lip. "It'll just be the two of us. She has valid fears."

"So...what will we do?" Fear strangles Chandini's face.

I smile and lean over the arm of the couch, ruffling her hair. "That's not something for you to worry about, kiddo," I assure her. "I'll figure out something. There has to be a job that I can do..."

"Why were you and Riya arguing about a referral?" Chandini asks. "It's not like he's offering you a job, is it?"

"It's not the referral that we were arguing about," I explain. "It's the consequences. It was about what will happen if I do get a job and something happens to me. Riya's concerns are valid, but I can't keep relying on other people, Chandini. I need to find my own independence."

"Then ask Agent to help you," Chandini suggests. "If he can write you a recommendation, then surely he can help you with finding a job."

"Chandini, I don't know him," I stress firmly. "I interviewed him, that's all. I was flattered when he offered to write a referral for me, but I can't let him do that. It's...unprofessional, especially when he's making assumptions about me."

"They were correct, though," she retorts. "You are a promising and intelligent girl, Meera, but I'm beginning to doubt your intelligence." I snort and Chandini scowls. "Seriously! You have one of the richest men in the world offering to help you, and you're saying no!"

"It's the principle of things, Chandini. I just don't feel comfortable—!'

"No, you just don't want to admit that you need help," Chandini snaps. "You think that by asking for help, you're reducing your own power."

"That's not the reason!" I exclaim, but my cheeks betray me by igniting hotly. I'm lucky that my skin is somewhat dark; at least they can't tell that I'm blushing.

"Uh-huh." Chandini's not convinced, but she lets the topic drop with a tired sigh. "Look, I know that you have a huge ego, sis—!"


"...I'll ignore that," she quips. "As I was saying, I know that you have a huge ego, but just keep Agent's proposal in mind, okay?"

"I will." To satisfy my sister, I lie, but I'm far from agreeing to work with Agent. Even if it's for a tiny piece of paper, rumors will fly, and I've already been subjugated to enough rumors after being with Raymond, and he was a minor governor's kid! Imagine a billionaire!

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