☆ Chapter One

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Word Count: 2454

Chapter Summary: Kit's origin :) talking about what exactly happened that night splitting the samadhi fire into those 3 rings and kit's life on the moon with chang'e.


It started all those years ago..

Demonic child laughter was all anyone could hear on that mountain. A very much younger Red son twitching and laughing in a fiery orb of his own power. Everyone whose body was deemed 'most likely to survive' was there. Nezha, the Demon bull king, The great monk master Tang Sanzang, his companions Zhu Bajie Sha Wujing The White horse dragon Ao Lee and The great sage himself, Sun Wukong the Monkie king.

Nezha, Wukong, and DBK all were wrapped around in a circle around the floating demon child, arms out and hands twitching trying to split this legendary untamable flame. Sweating dripping off their foreheads. Tang inched ever so closer to the three to project his voice in order to be heard. " In order for the samadhi fire to be split into three.. You MUST harmonize your energies!" It was clear the fire was strong.. almost knocking them off their feet slipping back a few inches but still, they all held their stance strongly determined to rid this power from the child.

Tang took a deep breath and opened his eyes again, now golden, raising and hitting the end of his staff on the ground ever so lightly, emitting a gold hue all over the mountain range. And slowly the rings began to appear glowing and piecing together in between their hands. Wukong looked shocked with a soft gasp, and so did Nezha who looked at DBK who immediately looked forward to his ring with determination. Until there was a cocky laugh from the Simian beside him.

" Hah! You know, this is kind of easier than I thought it would be-" Wukong laughed to the three when his guard slipped because of that fool of an act, making him let out a Yelp and his side of the fire flickered and rage out making the fire ever so unstable again.



The two shouted back at his reckless action, he was struggling to hold his ground and eventually slipped falling to his knees, arms removed from the stance causing everyone to gasp with fear.

" ah?!" Wukong had messed the whole thing up, looking up at the almost-formed rings. Red son's cackles only grew louder and flames gusted wind faster 5 pieces of the fire shot up into the sky carelessly and darted towards the rings knocking them back and making their job insanely more difficult, Wukong getting back up in time to hold his ring steady from the fire pushing against it now. The other two unstable pieces glitched hitting against each other in the sky before one skyrocketed down quickly towards Tang Sanzang distracting everyone from the other piece still left In the sky.

Too stunned to move, the great monk stood there looking up at the red flame shooting towards his direction when the white horse dragon quickly wrapped himself around Tang taking the hit directly in the head, shielding his friend from any danger, the impact was so strong it was like the sky flickered and all anyone could see was white. The land and sky went back to their natural colors, the wind parting now that the fire had officially been sealed away. Nezha stood and stared at his ring in awe as Wukong slowly grabbed him with a look of regret, his eyes looking up at the sky... that fifth piece was gone.. but he swore to himself it was nothing.

Dbk immediately dropped his ring and trusted himself quickly over to catch his now falling son from the sky and he did just that safely.. holding him tight, the baby yawned, stretching slightly, and sucked its thumb curled up in his father's big hands. Dbk smiled at his child, happy he was safe but then immediately grew a sour face looking back at his ring.

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