☆ Chapter Three

551 26 7

Word Count: 4842

Chapter Summary: It's been a few days on earth, and kit's struggling to fit in.. they haven't gotten used to earth's gravity let alone this whole new friendship thing, and even one time a giant dumpling was rushing towards the earth!? What is one fox to do? But today's lesson is all about focus..

" Okay Mk.."

Kit took a fighting stance, Her hair was pulled up in a bun, and was wearing their training outfit. The two were on Sandy's boat. Mk wearing his work uniform, Twirling his staff in one hand.
" Are You ready?" Kit asked, motioning her hands at Mk, " Ready? Hah! In case you forgot I'm THE monkie kid of course im re-" Before They could finish their sentence, Kit Quickly dashed over to Mk, Sweeping him off his feet. Knocking mk off their balance.

Mk didn't even have time to react to the fast moves of the fox, Kit kicked mk up in the gut launching him into the air, Mk held his gut with pain relaxing for just a second when kit launched herself higher into the sky and kicked his back, Sending him face planted down into the metal floor of sandy's boat. Kit landed gracefully on his toes softly.

" Oh geez- I'm sorry I thought you said you were ready?" Kit said feeling a little bad, only to see his staff hit mk STRAIGHT In the head making kits hands fly up and cover her mouth gawking afraid she gave the guy some sort of BRAIN damage. " MK!--"

Cut to Kit sitting on one of Sandys Beach chairs, Wrapping a Bandage around Mk's Head in frantic worry. They had mk sit next to them on the chair, Mk Jolted a bit feeling a tight wrap
" Sorry.." Kit apologized and Mk just rubbed the side of his head with a wide smile. " Nah don't worry about it kit! You just caught me off guard, that's all!" He smiled at her, making her worry ease.. Slightly.

She Put the bandages down on the side and went inside the houseboat to put the bandages away. Ever since Monkie King left, kit offered to help Mk with their training! Being the only one with the most experience around after all. But because of the MANY years of practice kit was definitely more skilled in martial arts than the reckless young adult. Now Living on Earth Kit lived with sandy on his houseboat!! They didn't have a place at first, So Sandy offered to room with kit for as long as he needed!

Mk Was now laying down on the long white beach chair with a smile, Done with training.. Now time for relaxation! Mo crawled up next to mk sunbathing with a silly cat smile on his face, Mk turned his head to face the cat and immediately used that 'pet voice' " awwww mo.. Such a cute lazy cat!! You don't have a worry in the world do ya?" There was a quick thud that startled Mk and mo, But it was just sandy now in front of the two crossing his arms.

" Alright MK! Now that you're done training, It's Time to teach you the most important lesson of them all!! Let's Do it.. LET'S MAKE SOME TEA!!" Sandy said pointing in mks direction getting a thumbs up and determined look from mk, " RIGHT!" Mk flew out of his seat and ran to the stove with a teapot already set in place, Rocking back and forth and punching the air still very amped up even though he got his ass kicked a few minutes ago. " Follow my instructions exactly And you'll have the BEST sleepy time tea you've ever had!!" Sandy said ready to teach mk how he makes his tea.

" Step one! Get your water boiling to 171 degrees" Mk quickly poured water sloppy and set the flame as high as he could dashing around to do this as quick as he could, " Step Two! AND THIS IS IMPORTANT! Add just a PINNCCHH of my special sleepy-time tea leaves!" Mk grabbed every SINGLE one of the special leaves and dumped them all inside of the pot, closed the kitty lid and rushed over to Sandy who was holding a cup and tiny plate.
" Step three! Serve in your cutest tiniest teacup and enjoy!" Mk poured the tea cleaning up any spills he made.

" Thanks Little man!" Sandy smiled and took a sip when the tea tasted.. Pretty strong. Stronger than usual. " You did just add just a- Pinch right?" Sandy said slightly drowsy but immediately fell over from the effects of the tea. " Uh- What's that sandy?-" Mk asked, seeing the big man on the floor sleeping. Kit walked out of the house to see Sandy passed out on the metal floor snoring. " Huh.. Is Sandy alright?" He asked walking over to mk who scooped up mo and placed the cat on top of sandy.

" Big guy just tuckered himself out! But don't worry, I can stay here with you till he wakes up!" Mk smiled, putting their hands on his hips now facing kit, Kit giggled and returned the smile " Thanks mk that would be g-" when all of a sudden, a golden portal appeared over the four and they looked up at the moving yellow circle. Mo screamed running out just in time for a crate to fall down quickly onto sandy and bounced right off the blue guy.

Mk's eyes sparkled knowing from the gold it was for sure from the monkie king, " Ohoho! A super special package from Monkie king?! Oh, this day just got a whole lot more interesting." A wide smirk plastered on his face. Kit slowly approached the crate with curiosity and mk right behind them, It had chains and caution tape wrapped all around it, It was obvious it was either trying to keep someone out.. Or trying to keep something in.. " Well, this isn't suspicious looking at all.. Maybe we should just leave it alo- HEY-" Kit gasped seeing mk trying everything to open the package with a crowbar, " gOTTA OPEN-" He was struggling and before kit could intervene a letter flew out and smacked mk in the face making him drop the metal stick.

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