Chapter 7

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Tomorrow did not really go as planned. I originally planned to go talk to Sonic but he was too busy hanging out with Amy to even care about what I had to say. Everytime I went up to him to talk to him Amy just went and gave him so many bear hugs I'm surprised he's still breathing. Heh you think she'd at least tone down a little once she got Sonic but no. She did not.

I walked up to Sonic again hoping that this time I could talk to him. "Hey Sonic I've been trying to talk to you and I as wondering if we could maybe go somewhere a little bit more private?" I asked. "Oh su-" He was cut off by, you guessed it... Amy.

God this girl could not leave him alone for one second. I growled and just stormed off giving up. I looked back and saw Sonic a little bit upset that I had gone but I didn't care at that time because of how angry I was.

Sonics P.O.V
My heart sank as I watched Shadow walk away angrily. I had gotten a bit angry myself and I pushed Amy off of me. She looked hurt but I left anyways. I just needed some alone time.

I cant believe I had to stoop as low as dating Amy. I mean yes she's my friend, well girlfriend now, but I don't think of her like that. She's more of like an annoying little sister. I only did this really because well I mean I had to do something to try and get my feelings I had for Shadow to go away.

To be honest I didn't really have feelings for Shadow until that morning after Zaras party. I don't know if he remembered but I do remember us kissing. Every time I think about it it makes my heart skip a beat, but I lost all chances when I overheard Zara and Shadows conversation yesterday at her house. It actually broke my heart and I left feeling what I now know was jealousy.

After I left I hid behind a tree in the park for about 2 hours before Shadow found me and we talked. After we had talked I knew I had to get over what I was feeling for him and so I decided it'd be best to start dating someone and since I knew Amy liked me. Well LOVED me, I decided why not. But now I'm starting to think I made the wrong decision. I should've just talked to him. I sighed and then heard a voice." You alright?" It was Tails." Oh hey Tails." I said trying my best to smile but unfortunately Tails was not buying it. "Sonic I know something is wrong just tell me." Tails said sternly. "Ok I'll tell you but can we just go somewhere a little more private? I don't want anyone else hearing this." I said a little nervously. "Sure follow me." Tails replied.

I followed Tails for about seven minutes until we arrived to his house. We got into the house and sat down on his couch. "Alright so tell me what's wrong." He said. "Alright well imayhavesortofhaveacrushonshadow!" I said quickly. Tails looked taken aback. "Come again?" He asked confused. "Um well I may have a little crush on Shadow." As I said that Tails looked shocked." Well I have to say I'm surprised but also I know that Shadow likes you back." Tails said." What!? How do you know?" I asked." Well I mean he always looks at you way differently than anyone else and plus haven't you noticed the way he acts around you? He's always flustered at every single thing you do. Even your expressions make him flustered like bro is madly in love with you." Tails replied laughing a little at the end.

I was blushing so hard! I just hoped Tails couldn't see it. Then I noticed that he was smirking." Sonic your blushing." He said still holding his smirk. I blushed even more in embarrassment." Ha you should see yourself it's hilarious! But like seriously you should go talk to him about everything you are feeling." He said changing his mood mid sentence." Well he did try and talk to me earlier. But I was kind of busy." I said lowering my voice at the end. Tails raised an eyebrow." Doing what?" He asked. "Um.. hanging out with Amy." I replied. "Why were you hanging out with her? I mean I get it she's your friend but I thought you hated how she smothered you with love." He said confused.

"Heh yeah more like girlfriend." I chuckled nervously at the end. I looked at him and saw his eyes widen. He then calmed down and said,"Ok I'm confused now. I thought you liked Shadow. Why are you dating Amy?" I hesitated before mumbling,"Well I kind of set up Shadow and popular girl Zara and well they're dating so I had to do something to get my mind off of it." Tails gave a look of understanding and he hugged me." Hey its ok I mean like is said, he obviously likes you he probably just did the same thing you did with Amy." I started getting a little hopeful after he said that and I began smiling." You really think so?" "Ha! Think so? I know so!" He said cheering me up a little.

"Thanks Tails you really are the best friend anyone could ask for!" I said as we both got up and hugged. "Hey no problem bro! I'll see you tomorrow!" He said as I walked out.

I was feeling more confident and to make things even better I saw Shadow on the way home and took this as my opportunity to talk to him.

Hey yall I hoped you liked this chapter and now that it's the weekend I'm going to post for two days straight basically the whole weekend. That's what I'm going to start doing btw. Post a little spaced out in the week and every day for the weekends.

Lots of Love ❤
See ya!

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