Chapter 10

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I woke up to my alarm."Ugh...Crap I have to see Zara AND Sonic today." I groaned turning off my alarm and getting out of bed. I threw a quick outfit on and left my house.

The usual walk from my house to the school is around ten minutes and I had only been walking for about five until I saw Sonic walking ahead of me with his head hung low.

I wonder if he's nervous about seeing me today. Well I knew I couldn't just stay quiet towards him so I called his name. He instinctively turned around but as soon as he saw it was me he quickly turned around. I sighed and ran to catch up to him.

"Sonic if this is about yesterday then I want you to know that there has been a misunderstanding." I calmly said trying to explain. He didn't say anything but he did turn to me looking confused but trying his hardest not to show it.

"Will you listen to what I have to say?" I asked. He looked down and nodded. "Well what I was trying to say yesterday was that me and Zara had broken up." I explained. He then looked at me with his eyes wide. "Really!?" Sonic yelled in shock. I chuckled a little bit at his reaction but responded." Heh yeah but there is a reason why." He tilted his head in confusion. "What is it?" He asked. I began fidgeting with my fingers and started blushing. "W-well I..I have a cru-" I tried saying but got interrupted by someone. It was Rouge. "Hey Shadow, Sonic." She greeted. I glared at her and averted my eyes towards Sonic.

"Oh crap my bad." She apologized realizing what I was doing. She then spread her wings and flew away flying towards Knuckles who was slightly visible in the distance. Sonic was looking at her flying away and then he turned to me. "What were you were saying?" He asked. I took deep breaths before saying-again-what I had wanted to say."W-well Sonic I have a crus-" I was then interrupted once again but by a different person. Silver. Blaze and Mephiles were with him but it was Silver who had interrupted me. I growled in annoyance that I had once again been interrupted. I gave Silver a death glare and he looked at me afraid." Heh well I see you guys are busy I think I'll take my leave now. C'mon guys!" He said trying to play it cool. The three left and it was soon just me and Sonic again.

"Ok. Continue." He said.

"Ok. Well as I was saying, I-" Dammit how many more time will I have to be interrupted again today. This time it was by Amy. "Sonic! There you are! I've been looking for you!" She exclaimed happily while giving his multiple kisses on his cheek. I had been fed up. I pushed Amy off of Sonic and grabbed him by the shoulders and faced him towards me and yelled,"I have a crush on you Sonic!! I always have. I have even grown to love you! I love your smile, your voice, your laugh, the color of your fur, and pretty much just everything about you!" He looked at me astonished and a blushing mess." Well you can't have him!" I heard Amy yell from behind Sonic.

"Me and him are dating and he loves me not you!" She said proudly. Then Sonic turned to Amy and grabbed both of her hands with his. He sighed before saying "Amy I'm sorry but I actually never really liked you. In a romantic way that is. You are a really good friend but unfortunately that's all I see you as." He explained as best as possible. She already had tears in his eyes.

"How could you do this to me Sonic!" She cried and ran away. I could feel Sonic felt bad that he had broken up with her and potentially broken their friendship. I came closer to him and hugged him. He was surprised by my actions.

"Um Shadow what're you doing?" He asked nervously. I could tell he was blushing and I didnt even have to look at him. "Why I'm hugging you. Do you not want me hug you?" I said teasingly.

"N-no I do. I'm just surprised you're hugging me. I never really thought you out of all people would be a hugger." He explained. "I'm not but your just an exception." I said pulling his head up and winking at him. He blushed and looked away. I laughed at his embarrassment. "So well now that we know we like each other I was wondering if we were you know...A thing?" He asked nervously lowering his head. I lifted his chin up with my finger and then kissed him. He kissed back and we stayed like that for a few more seconds before pulling away. Sonic looked at me flustered at what we had just done and then buried his face in my chest fur. I laughed at his actions and then pulled out my phone to check the time. Crap we are almost late to class we only have three minutes left. "How about a little race?" I said with a smirk. He smirked back and then said,"Oh you're on!"

Hey guys I still managed to post thankfully. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think I'm going to make a couple more chapters or just one really long one. Idk. But you guys are welcome to vote if you want.

Lots of Love ❤
See ya!

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