TWO - David and Jim

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JUNE, 1976

Rhianna brushed her shoulder against a man around her age, one that smelt strongly of cigarettes and cologne. She turned around to get a better look as he stopped at a certain seat on the bar, he immediately stood out to her. Casually dressed, anything but natural red hair, blond roots, defined and beautiful features, yet unique. His hair stood the most, he looked otherworldly in a way. It wasn't done at all, styled or anything, just tossed around like he'd just crawled out of bed. He had a curve to the bridge of his nose that was only really noticeable as he turned around to look for whoever must've been joining him that night, but not enough to be considered ethnic. He turned back around, tapping his fingers on the bar-- no wedding ring.

It was then that he looked over to see her staring, to which she turned away and went about her business. Pretended to, at least. She geussed he shrugged her off, for when she looked over a second time he was no longer looking in her direction. Instead he was looking at another man, who looked to be the same age, smiling as he came through the entrance of the place and walked towards him. The two hugged and began to converse, the one that had just walked in sitting down next to the first one. He was different, too. His cheekbones were carved out down to the bottom of his chin, lively eyes, beach-blonde, dressed in the same casual fashion as the first.

She finally stopped staring, looking around at other people in the bar. None were as intriguing as the two that had just entered, the two she'd been looking at beforehand. Beautiful people fascinated her. She longed to know all about them, where they came from, why they were there, how they knew each other, or at least their names. She had to know.

She looked up again when she heard the red-haired man laugh. It wasn't like one she'd ever heard, he leaned into the other man as he did so, the sound managing to outcast every other noise in the bar. She noticed his smile, gorgeous, not like the one he'd had when he first greeted his friend. Both the top and bottom row of his crooked teeth were showing. With any other person, it would've been just one. An odd observation to make, sure, but it stood out to her.

She had finally averted her eyes, but was a bit too late. His eyes had met hers for a split second before she got the chance to look back down. He leaned into his friend, whispering a few words and nodding his head in her direction. The blonde-haired man was anything but subtle, turning his entire body to get a proper look at her. She tried not to laugh at his behavior as she watched him out the corner of her eye, he turned back around and said something else to the red-haired man.

She finally focused her full attention elsewhere, instead getting up from her table, pulling her skirt down as it had ridden up her thighs, taking her purse and walking out the bar. She felt eyes on her, she saw the red-haired one taking one more look at her as she made her leave. She ran a hand through her hair as a man opened the door for her, 'Thank you.' she mumbled, he nodded and walked in as she exited.

Standing just outside the place, she fished for the pack of cigarettes she had in her purse, hoping she could find her lighter right along with it. She finally felt the thin-materialed box, taking it in her hand, then continuing to search for a lighter. She did have a lighter, didn't she? No, she didn't.

She sighed, irritated, the pack of cigarettes still in her grip as she listened to the sounds of late night Berlin. Not much traffic at night, but you could hear dogs barking every now and then, despite there not being an animal in sight. Of course there was also the semi-common street-life, not as common as the city, though. Just homeless people, usually. She sighed, letting go of the pack of cigarettes, walking back into the bar. She wouldn't sit in the same place this time. Would it irritate the workers? It would if she had been the one working, but she wasn't going to pretend she cared much. She knew what she wanted to do.

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