SIX - Coco, Zowie

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Rhianna groaned to herself in the morning, taking a look at the clock for what would be the fifth time that night. It was nine in the morning, she had only managed to sleep for about an hour or so the whole night. She felt awful that she even lacked the motivation to do anything with the wasted time, not bothering to get out of bed. She figured it was good enough of a time to finally call David back from the night before when he'd been trying to reach her.

She groaned for the second time as she sat up on her bed, leaning over to the nightstand to take the phone off its stand and dial his number, waiting for the phone to stop ringing. She thought he wasn't going to pick up before finally, "Hello?"

She couldn't help but let a small smile pass by her face at the sound of the familiar accent, "Hey, Brian told me you called. I'm free today."

He tiredly smiled on the other end of the line, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he leaned against the wall to not fall from pure exhaustion. She'd woken him up, he couldn't help but hear the sound of Jim snoring in the next room over. He'd had an interesting morning, waking up early and getting a haircut, then going right back to sleep as soon as he returned to the apartment.

He hummed in satisfaction, taking a tired moment to process her words before responding, "I'll pick you up in about ten, then. I've got a surprise for you." He said, leaning against the wall with the same smile on his face, looking at his reflection in the mirror that had been pinned up across the room, running a hand through his new naturally colored short hair. Very short, unusually short (in his eyes, at least). He just wasn't used to it, was all.

"What is it? I don't like surprises." She said, fidgeting with the telephone cord with a smile on her face as David huffed with laughter.

"You'll see." He said, directing his attention back out the window, trying to calm his nerves as he remembered the day he had ahead of him.

"Alright, fine. See you then." She said, hanging up before saying goodbye. She had a habit to do it when she was eager.

After hanging up the phone, she laid back on her bed with a small smile on her face. She sat and thought to herself, forcing her smile to fade. She was getting far too worked up over a man.

However; she couldn't stop herself from excitedly jumping out of bed to find something to wear, thinking about how she was going to do her hair, hoping her makeup turned out well, and the lingering desire in the back of her mind that he thought of her the way she thought of him. Just different ways to please.

Meanwhile, David sat back down for a moment, feeling like he'd just crawled out the depths of hell.

He'd been having trouble with sleep for the past two or so years, throughout his addiction he would go as far as three weeks without sleeping. After moving to Berlin, withdraws counteracted this problem completely, now he couldn't stay awake. But despite his insomnia coming to an end, his night terrors still remained. Throughout the night, he would do his best to stay awake just like he'd done the years before, but he couldn't do it without the drugs. It was a horrible routine.

Rhianna got dressed, did her hair, and finished her makeup in ten short minutes, sitting back down at the end of it all, waiting for the little 'ping' on the intercom at her door that meant David was at the last floor of her complex, waiting.



Her face lit up, there it was. She got up from her seat and made her way to the door, opening it up for her heart to skip a beat.

David had a large smile on his face as he watched her eyes immediately go to the top of his head, looking over his hair, "Holy shit!" she laughed, her eyes wide and her mouth agape as he ran a hand through his dark hair, laughing.

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