FOUR - Friendly Date

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Rhianna knocked on the same door to the same apartment around 9:30 the next morning, pictures in an envelope she'd secured on her way out the apartment. She was ridiculing herself for not having called the pair beforehand, as she had no clue if they would be awake or not.

She walked up to the door and knocked, waiting nervously for someone to open the door. She heard low chatter on the other side of the door, she thanked God that someone was in the apartment, and finally Jim opened the door.

"Oh, hey, we were just talking about you." He said, moving over to let her in the place. As she looked around, she saw David on the phone with someone, nodding along to whatever the person on the other end of the line was saying. He smiled and waved at her, putting a finger up as to say 'one second'. She smiled and waved, nodding back in return.

She ran a hand through her dark hair as she sat on the sofa, handing the envelope to Jim as he sat down next to her. A small smile remained on his face as he opened it, hoping to God that they would be good as he took them out and finally got a look.

Her heart dropped as his mouth fell slightly agape, eyes widening just barely. He looked through each photo with the same expression, setting some aside, his face slowly going back to normal.

"These are perfect."

She finally let out a sigh, "Jesus Christ, you don't think you could've started with that?" she laughed, putting a hand over her heart. He laughed, David doing the same as he overheard the exchange, finally hanging up the phone and making his way over to the two. He leaned back on the arm of the sofa, tilting his head up to see the photos better.

"Oh, those are great." He said, walking over and picking up one of the ones that Jim had set aside, looking over the photo in awe.

Rhianna couldn't help but be the slightest bit shocked at their receptions to the photos, she thought of them as average; but maybe average was what they'd been looking for all along.

"I'm glad you two like them. I was thinking you could pick one to go on the record and I could turn it into a graphic designer to have it turned into a proper cover."

David turned his attention to Rhianna while Jim looked over at the coffee table, moving over an empty beer bottle that had been sitting there so he would have room to lay out the photos he'd put over to the side.

"That would be great." David said, "When do you think you'd be able to?" he asked, looking over for a split second to see Jim laying out the pictures he favored. Jim looked over to David, putting his hand out for David to give him the picture he'd been holding, which he did.

"Tomorrow. You just have to give me a sketch to give me an idea on what sort of details you'd want on the cover." She said, David nodding, then both of them looking over at Jim. He'd laid ten of the photos out on the table.

"I want one of the ones with rain." He said, pointing to the four or so he laid out in which he was standing in the rain.

David pointed at one where he had his arms up, he looked a bit crooked, "I like this one."

Jim hummed in acknowledgment, continuing to look over the other photos. This would take a while.

After about thirty minutes of the man going back and forth between the one David had pointed out and one he favored (but no one else did), he finally chose David's pick.

"Christ, I thought we'd end up having to put them all on the cover." David sighed, his hands running down his face.

Rhianna took hold of the photo, "Alright. Jim, you want to sketch any ideas out?" she asked.

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