chapter 1 - Niona.

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Niona's pov.

Stillness fill the air, as if its waiting for someone to shook it. The black night sky looms over the village, creating a distint darkness. No starlight could seem to shine through.

I stood at the edge of the window, getting on the window sill, glancing at the tree near the window i grab the near by tree branch, making sure i leave the window open, i start to climb down the tree. 'Perfect' smirking i sprint towards the backyard, its now or never. Once im few safe distance from the house, i put my hands on my hips, panting i glance back at my house only the outlined of it could be seen.

Grinning i started to walk towards the outlined of the forest, wiping the sweat away from my brow, i brush away some hair that have escape from the messy pony tail that i have put on earlier. Entering the forest, its founa and floral scent fill my nose, pine trees stood tall with some of its branches hanging low. It was dark but not dark enough, i could see a distint trail, with some shatter nuts on each sides, i could hear hares scampering, owls hooting. The forest seems to come alive when the village sleeps.

Walking alongside the trail i finally found the place i was looking for it was a clearing with wild grass around the edges, some pepbles scatter around it. Taking off my leather boots i walk to the middle of it, and lay there. This used to be Ban's favourite place to hang out. My best friend or was. He dissapered when i was ten.

' I wonder where he is,
i miss you; hope your okay where ever you are'

Sitting up, brushing away any thoughts that i have i breath in deeply.. 'okay this is it' moving my left hand forward, clencing my fist, i closed my eyes 'okay concentrate, i can do this' i felt something surge up i opened my eyes, unclencing my fist the moment i did it dissapered. Groaning i closed my eyes muttering encouraging words to myself... I felt something surge up again. ' please don't go away' i reluctingly opened my eyes and unclench my fist this time it didn't dissapered. And There it was, ' so beutifull' i was awed by it, its shape was like an orb, swirling on my plams , lighting up the clearing with its own light, like the evening sky. Just then a twig crack , i crinch at the sound, the light went out with it. 'dammit'

"Who's there?" I called out. I could see the person's sillhouette behind the tree, i just hope it isn't the patrol gaurd.

" My my.. if it isn't our dearest Niona" the person revealed himself to be the counsilman's son, and my worst enemy. As he keep approching my only thought was.

'Im screwed'.


Okay so this is my first time writing a story and well there might be spelling errors , grammactical bad and well its uneidited haha.. so what you guys think?
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance. :)

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