chapter 2- Chiang

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Niona's pov.

The forest as if sensing the situation become deadly silent. Tension fill the air, chill breeze seems to flew through, creating a halo sound with it. This isn't how i plan this night out to be. He wasn't supposed to be here but the crude guy that he is, he always manage to ruin everything.

Glancing at him, i stood up. He keep on walking towards me, as if he owned the place. The more closer he get the more nervous i become, as if sensing that he smirk, i narrowed my eyes. He mock coughing gestured. Stopping just few pace from me, a sly grin make out his face, knowing he had me on sliver platter now. I have to do something, before things got messed up then it already is.

"Well Niona isn't it a lovely suprise seeing you here?"

"What are you doing here Chiang?"

The fact that im keeping a poker face while freaking out inside amaze me. All slyness escape his face , replacing it with a neutral one.

'Damn he means business'

"The question is.. What are 'you' doing here? At this late hour at night. In the middle of the forest."

He frowned at his own statement. His usually neat combed coalblack hair was matted. His brown tatered coat has a mud streak on it, suggesting i wasn't the only one having a bad night. Folding his hands on his chest. He sifted his weight from one foot to another. He stare at me, expecting an answer. Usually he dish out whatever he can against me and his not, so.. that means he didn't saw anything.. I let out a heavy breath i didn't knew i was holding, being relief internally.

I did 'air quotes' while saying...

"So you didn't saw anything?.."

That did it.. his face contorted so quickly from frowning to anger that not even a second and he was mere few inches away from me, his fist clench tightly , 'great what did i said now? Stupid!' gritting his teeth he glare at me, leanning dangerously close spatting out words as if thier venom.

"Saw what?"

" Um.." i gulp.

"Saw what niona?"

'C'mon say something niona, there must be something' i urge myself.



"My boots thats wh-" he cut me off

"Your searching for your goddamn boots! In the forest?? " his voice was barely but a whisper.

"Yes" i nodded he was flabergasted, wide eye disbelieving it. I wish i could have capture his face somehow, it was very funny. With his mouth hanging open, eyes buldging out of thier sockets. I giggle internally trying hard not to laugh out loud. He groaned .

"And i think i just found it!"

Walking a bit away from him, i pick up the boots from where i left it earlier. Shooking away the dirt that got stick on it. I felt eyes on my back, stopping i glance at him, he was observing me carefully, i put the look on that says 'what?'

"What are you really doing here Niona?" I heave a sign..

"I don't have to answer the question you already know Chiang.."

Putting on the boots i turn to walk out of the clearing, remembering someting i stop, glancing at him.

" You didn't answer my question."
The sly smirk was back on his face.

"Thats not your business sweetheart."

Rolling my eyes i started to walk out . 'why did i even botthered?'

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