Chapter 8- Questions Unanswered

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Chiang's pov .

After exiting from the medicinal wing, I turn to walk home walking the streets leisurely, no need to hurry now.
The dark night sky was already starting to dissipate with just some stars twinkling, dawn was fast approching.

I was passing by a barn when I heard strange mutterings, the voice booming like, summoning something on a language thats isn't just  dead but of forbbiden one.

Is that?.. 

I didn't stop to think, but enter the barn, crouching behind the huge bundles of hay, peering from it, a man was kneeling on the middle of the barn his hood like cloak obstruckted most of the view, as the figuire's voice raised so did the air around the barn run cold, and as the seconds tick it soon change to icy stormy wind, the hays around the barn start to swirl everywhere taking along dust and mud with it, on the frantic moment I put my hands up, attempting to cover my eyes from the harsh wind the hay bundle barely providing me protection against it,

Was he doing this?

I glance at the man he was standing now, his boomimg voice louder then ever, its then I notice that the shadows seems to form a circle few paces from the man, the darkness seems to matter itself,

What is he up to? I narrowed my eyes, just then a familiar shierk fill the air, my eyes wide like saucepan now.  That can't be!  Nobody could summon the Reapers unless thier afflicated with it, but even thats impossible! Reapers are not known to be allies with any beings other than of its own.
I instantly recognize the gangly hands raising  from the now hollow dark matter, crawling its way up, like someone buried alive in a grave desperately gnawing at the ground.

This has to be stopped I don't want another Reaper on my hands rightnow, stepping out against the angry wind, I called out,

"Stop it!"

The man turn to my direction taking off his hood glancing at me, merly raising an eyebrow I didn't seem to fazed him even a bit. He stood quite taller then any average man maybe even a tad bit taller then me, now that Im upclose to the man that did seem to intimidated me, I didn't let that show on my face though keeping my expression neutral,

"Stop what?"  What the- I scrunch up my face, does he thinks Im just going to stand here idioticly while he summon the Reapers. He slouch having the ' I don't know what your talking about attitute'  that anger me.

"Excuse me?" I shouted through the angry wind, the air wipsing faster against me, he shrug rubbing his hands on his leather vest,

"I don't know what your talking about."

"You-- I was about to argue more when the shierking still us both, damn it, I forgot about the reaper, I turn to glance at it, it was out now, Its presence stilling the air, the wisp of flying hay calming down, shierking it lunged at us before I could  anticipate anything, the man  blurred past me, clashing with the reaper with some sort of bright object, the impact made  the whole barn shook, forcing me to crouch on the ground covering my head with my hands, minutes later after it subsided I look up, the reaper was still there but it was on the ground wallowing, greyish liquid seem to seep through its shoulder, Is that its blood? Things are just getting weirder angry it shierk louder forming a long sword, lunging solely at the man, they clash again producing clanking sound, the man without turning called out,

"You better get out of here kid!"

"No way!"

The question of him being afflicated with the reapers was out the moment he clash with the reaper I wouldn't want to miss this though, too many questions puzzle my head, my head is going to explode from all these thoughts, he grunted ducking one of the reaper's attack, how is he defending himself? He was too fast for me to see which weapon he's using, but whatever the weapon is, its really effective.

"Fine, have it your way then"

He shrug turning to glance at me slightly, then turning his attention on the reaper, this time he was the one who led charge against the reaper, he swipe
whatever weapon he's using slightly faking a duck to the left the reaper fall for it, then before the reaper could realize its mistake the man turn on his heel slashing the back of the reaper, it shierk its form depleting slightly, the man let out a fustrated growl muttering something low under his breath I only caught some words something like 'enough games now' I raised an eyebrow did he thought it would just dissapear? I  internally rolled my eyes, then something unexpected happend he muttered something on the forbidden language for a second, nothing happend then the reaper shierk it seems like something inside it was burning up, its skin started to peel on its own its blood gushing out, I had to look away from the site as the bile threated to rosed up in my throat, just as I looked away a loud 'bang' sound like popped off like an explosive through the barn, frozing me I don't have to looked up to know what was it,

After what felt liked hours I got up from my position  glancing up dread fill in me as I looked around, the ground where the reaper hover a seconds ago was scorned black and it extended to several meters  ashes surround it and smoke was coming out of it, I  know they were dark creatures no, thier one's worst nightmare but at the moment, I don't know why it just somehow felt ..wrong maybe it was because I never seen or lived a war and honestly I don't want to see or lived one I've seen the look on several people father being one of them, no matter how they tried to hide, scars still imbedded on thier memories they'll laugh smile for thier loved ones but they really can't shook of the feeling of being empty, scared because whenever when things seems right, something awful usually happens.

"Your still here kid?"

That  bring me out of my daze, I glance at the man now that there was no reaper to interrupt I fully take in his stature he was probably in his mid-twenties he had a light short sandy brown hair, slate grey eyes, with the attire he wore he could be easily mistaken for a patrol guard but I know otherwise.

"Why did you summon the reaper? when the only thing you did was kill it."  I ask him the first thing that popped in my mind, he shrug as if he could care less about it, I narrowed my eyes,

"It was already here ." He stiffle a yawn then  crack his neck mumbling something under his breath, his attitute about the whole situation is really making my blood boil.

"It wasn't! Your the one who summon it, I saw it myself." I said it through gritted teeth, Im really going to loose it with this man he's really testing my patience,

"Look kid--   He started but stop glancing at me, I don't know what he saw but at the moment I really could care less about it  the only thing I want to do is swing my fist at the man's face.   -- I did told you to get out of here, your probably thinking what I did was bad but what Im doing is for our own good, if you thought this was bad then trust me they'll do worse to you."

I scrunch my face what did he meant by that, I observe him carefully its then I noticed the look, ohh.. I saw the same look that I saw in my father's face when he thought I wasn't looking, eyes filled with ...emptiness

I averted my eyes, slightly being lost for words, I cleared my throat awkwardly things like these were never really easy to talk,

"How did you summon it anyway? No one could read the manuscripts of that language its considered dead, forbidden even,"  I speak out my thoughts out loud, glancing back at the man with suspicious clear in my eyes. He chuckle putting back his hood on,

"There's many things you don't know Chiang." I raised an eyebrow, with that he left the barn, I followed him,

"Wait how did y-"  I stop mid sentence glancing around the street he was nowhere to be found.

What did he meant by that? Are there really things that I don't know? I shook my head, and the most strangest thing is how did he know who I was?

So first of, I apolozige for the late and short chap, Im not really getting time to upload with the errands Im running (which got finish today btw *insert dramatic sigh* Thank god) lol

Anyway enjoy the chap and please let me know how it was..
Thanks in advance :)

Vote comment :) XD Im out...

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