Chapter 6- The reaper

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Niona's pov.

There comes a moment when fear grip's one, so strong that the entire world seems frozen, we don't notice anything but our fear itself, it grips our heart our mind it won't let one's attention withdrew to anything else, clounding our mind.

I stayed frozen to the spot, my eyes widening, my heart was beating rapidly fast, I could feel the beads of sweats on the back of my neck, the entity reavealed was none other then the reaper itself, masking itself behind the shadows, its eyes was blood crimson red that stares directly at me, as if it could see my soul. Its sharp long fangs potruding from its mouth, its skin was charcoal black with scarred white lines like it was born out of ash and dirt, its body was like a malnourished man deprived from bread and water, bones gnawing at its skin, sorrounded by black fumes like smokes. It lunged directly at me snarling, someone shook me tugging me from my forearm, it was Chiang,

"Niona c'mon  run!!"  He dragged me away from the spot, his hand gripping my forearm tightly, I glance at him, he was solely concentrating on getting us out of here, with his eyes set on the trail, I stumble a bit but I started running along knowing the Reaper won't let us out alive; it gaze snapped shierking loudly. Realizing were getting away it trash the surrounding, trying to grasp us,

" I think we made it angry."

"It doesn't matter, run faster!" 

I turn over my shoulder to see, the Reaper just behind our tail, its gangly like hands reaching out for us shierking,destroying everything in its path to pursue us, some pine trees lay wreak just gazing at the sight made me chill with fear making  me run faster, instead of running along the trail Chiang led us out of it, deeper into the forest

"Hey!! Were on the wrong way!!" I hissed.

"Thats the point! We can't led it to the village!!" He shouted back.

The more deep we venture into the forest the more the trees seems to grew taller, with its canopy not letting any light through making the place haunting and cold I don't know if i should be afraid of the place or the creature thats chasing us, my thighs were starting to ache, my breath becoming shorter  and the bruises from earlier isn't helping out either, we can't keep on running like this, the shierking seem to dim, I glance back the reaper was nowhere to be seen, panting I stopped, huffing putting my hands on my knees,

"Niona we need to get you away from here."  Chiang tugged at my arm again, I pushed his hand away, I glance at him, he seems fine other then just the sweat on his face, right he's used to it. standing just few paces away his hands on his waist.

"I-" I can't seem to talk hufffing I inhale a long breath, claming myself I stood up,

"I-I  can't run anymore." He sighed  running his hand through his hair, his forehead creasing he seem to be in a deep thought,  I understand why he accuse me of causing trouble earlier, unknowingly I was attracting them,  I glance around noticing for the first time that Gianni wasn't with us.

"Gianni?"  'She was with us wasn't she?' I gazed at Chiang with a fear clear in my eyes. He seem to realized it now, cursing out  loud gripping his hair in fustration.

"Goddamn it!"  I could feel tears pricking at the corner of my eyes, we left her behind,

"We have to go back." My voice cracked at the end, guilt seep in knowing its my fault tears spill out which i was trying to shook it off, I wipe it off, being angry at the situation, my bestfriend might be fighting for her life right now, and here I was, doing nothing.

"We have to go back." I said with more determination, I glance at Chiang he was contemplating wether we should or not, I don't like that. I glared at him,

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