Chapter 9

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Niona's pov.

I woke up to sound of someone humming, groaning I open my eyes blinking I glance around,
Where am i?

I was on the bed and beside it was a chair there was a table around the corner with an earthern pot on it, over all it was a plain room with the window letting in the sunlight.

"Nini, your awake! I was starting to worry.."  I sit up instanly regreting it, the pain made me stiff in place, I groaned,

"Hon.. take it easy-  Mum said fixating the pillow so I could sit properly  -there you go"

I glance at her, she has dark circles on her eyes, she was tired, but she had a small smile on her face she pulled the chair, sitting beside me.

"What happend?" I ask her not exactly sure what to ask, she signed, rubbing her eyes,

"The counsiler's didn't seem to believe me, when I went there, good thing though one patrol guard was apparently patrolling the grounds, he reported the matter just when the arguement erupt on the counsill hall, with two individual testifying it they had no choice but to follow-" 

She stopped for a brief second, glancing at me, she averted her gaze slightly being daze

- the sight we met was."

She stop shooking her head she thought I didn't saw it but I did, there were tears prickling the corners of her eyes, she had been staying strong for far too long, she has been staying strong for me... 

"Mum. Its okay we're okay.."  I try to reassure her smiling a bit but Mum being well Mum.. meet my gaze, I back out a little bit there  were anger in her eyes,

"Okay? Okay!! No we're not okay Niona, if you hadn't keep secrets from me this wouldn't have happend, Im your mother for god-sake! Do you know what I had to go through bringing you up alone? To see you in the clearing out cold was-  she stop catching her breath   -Your just like your dad careless, doing things without thinking them through,"

At this point, I didn't know what to say, I just stayed there staring at her my mouth agape, we never talk about dad nor even mention him, it was a touchy subject for her or maybe for both of us.. After what felt like hours I apologize,

"Im sorry."

I said, looking away. I meant it the guilt that weighs me was too much, who'd knew what happend? It was technically my fault, if  I wasn't trying to form the light the reapers wouldn't be there in the first place, I've acted now Im suffering the consequences, she signed placing her hand on mine,

"No Im sorry," 

"Mum?"  I turned to her confused.

"I shouldn't let out my anger on you. Just promise me that you won't be reckless."  I smile.

"Promise. But I have a feeling I'd break that soon."  She let out a chuckle,

"I know."

I was in the medical wing, apparently Im all bruises other then that Im fine, mum went home leaving me here, I still haven't got the news about my bestfriend, just then a knock was at the door, I sit up slightly cursing, it might be just bruises but they do hurt a lot.

"Come in."


Speak of a devil.

Gianni sit beside me moments ago where mum was, a small smile on her face, her hair was up in a neat braid not like her usual self, she wore a linen shirt and a loose pants,

"You look different." I said gesturing to her hair, she scoff..

"Your not far from it either." I chuckle,

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