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A/N: Sorry, this is my first time writing something on Wattpad. I hope it's not too bad! 

Moon was reading a scroll in her den when she decided to head to the prey center. She was reading about the Scorching and it was so fascinating for her. Her eyes were wide with wonder and fascination. She was about to look to the next chapter as she heard a knock on the cave door. 

"Come in!" She called out. Who would be up this late at night? Well, she shouldn't be too surprised because Moon was up late herself. When she turned around, she saw the dragon she really liked. "Qibli!"

"Hey Moon," Qibli said with a smile, "What are you up to this late at night? Wait... let me guess... reading your scrolls?" Moon nodded and he laughed. 

"Well, this scroll is so awesome! The Scorching is so wondrous and it was a fascinating historical event! There's absolutely no reason to NOT want to read the scroll on the Scorching!" Moon protested with her 'But-Scrolls-Are-So-Awesome' voice. 

Qibli laughed again, "It's so obvious. Every time I see you, you're reading some type of scroll." He came over to her and sat beside her. "So, do you want to go watch the moons set with me?"  

Moon set down her scroll, looked into his eyes, and said, "Qibli, I'd love to." 

I'll be adding more parts here soon... hopefully!

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