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A/N: I loved writing this. Blicket is such a cute ship and they TOTALLY belong together, forbidden love or not.

Cricket was so happy to have a new home and in a kingdom with NEW dragons! There were these RainWings and NightWings. They were so amazing because the NightWings could read minds and tell the future and they all looked like Clearsight!

What if they were the descendants of Clearsight? That'd be so amazing! What is it like to read minds? Would it be hard to tell the future? Could you see any future? Could you just rummage through someone's head of thoughts?

And the RainWings...a camouflage AND a venom dragon tribe. Was it hard to change scale colors? Could they mimic any dragon? Can they camouflage themselves into any surrounding or just a few? Could the RainWings shoot actual venom or was it just a liquid that mimicked venom? If it really was venom, how far could they shoot it? It would be amazing to be one of the two dragon tribes... or even a hybrid of both!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Blue said, "Calm down, Cricket."

Cricket hadn't realized she was saying it out loud. She looked at Blue, who had an alarmed face. "Oh, sorry, Blue. I'm just really happy and excited."

"I know you are," Blue said, "But we are in a new place and I'm sure they're used to being calm and collected. We need to be calm and collected as well. It's the respectful thing to do." Cricket nodded.

In her head though, she shook her head and repeated the exact same thing. They're still so amazing because the NightWings could read minds and tell the future and they all looked like Clearsight! What if they were the descendants of Clearsight? That'd be so amazing! What is it like to read minds? Would it be hard to tell the future? Could you see any future? Could you just rummage through someone's head of thoughts? And the RainWings...a camouflage AND a venom dragon tribe. Was it hard to change scale colors? Could they mimic any dragon? Can they camouflage themselves into any surrounding or just a few? Could the RainWings shoot actual venom or was it just a liquid that mimicked venom? If it really was venom, how far could they shoot it? It would be amazing to be one of the two dragon tribes... or even a hybrid of both!

Cricket started laughing and Blue, for some reason, started laughing too. "Okay," He said after laughing, "What... are we-" Blue bursts out laughing again." What are we laughing about?"

"I don't know." Cricket said, semi-lying and semi-telling the truth. "I just burst out laughing for some reason and then you started laughing along with me."

"Well," Blue said, nuzzling her. "Let's go find a cave to rest for the night." Cricket agreed and went to go help search. Not too long after, she had found a cave that could possibly fit about four full-sized dragons comfortably.

Cricket laid down and fell asleep quickly and Blue... well... he just watched her sleep with a smile on his face. Blue curled his body around Cricket's and fell asleep along with her. Even though they were a SilkWing and a Hivewing, they loved each other and they would never ever leave each other's life.

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