Chapter 1: Values

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Love begins with the screams of the unwanted.

After being introduced to her and Pugsley's torturers at America's foremost facility for privileged young adults, there is a commotion and a tantrum on the other end of the welcoming area that is quickly silenced. The other children and parents sneer at such tomfoolery.

When Wednesday investigates later, there are claw marks gouged into a cabin near the area, deep and long, from one wall to another. Five claws, about her height. It's about the only interesting thing here.

"Maybe this place isn't so bad," muses Pugsley.

She investigates. The trust fund children here are such horrid gossips that she doesn't need to torture them for information. Unfortunately.

There is another girl at Camp Chippewa, Wednesday learns, who is miserable and problematic and doesn't fit in with anyone here at all, no matter how hard she tries. She is a horrible shade of blonde, with clothes that make Wednesday want to vomit. Her name is Enid.

At first, she's disgusted, but knives can come in pink and still kill people. So she takes a chance.

Enid knows how to fake a smile, despite her clearly bloodshot eyes and scratchy throat.

"Howdy, Wednesday, right? The goth girl? Gosh, that's a weird name, but I guess I can't judge. I'm Enid."

"A pleasure to meet a fellow monster."

"A monster? No, I'm... I'm a regular human. My mom asked my uncle to bring me here — she said it might help with, uh, my performance anxiety."

"Do the claws come out before or after your performance anxiety?" Her brother asks, simple-minded as he is.

There's a look of fury and distrust on Enid's face, before the accursed slave of patriarchy known as Camp Counselor Becky Martin-Granger frolics over to them and says something inane and vapid and worthless.

Wednesday locks eyes with Enid once more. Angry. Paranoid. Accusing. Dissatisfied.

She savors it.

The interaction addles Wednesday's mind even as she's forced into the wooden torture chamber known as the "Harmony Hut". The fire in Enid's eyes ignited something within her, even though it's been hours since then.

So much so, in fact, that she thoroughly bites at whoever approaches.

"We don't want him here."

"Oh, but I'm sure you'll get along just fine!" Camp Counselor Gary Granger hoots, forcefully holding a bespectacled boy by his shoulders.

"We promise to physically harm him," Wednesday drones, locking eyes with Granger.

Following her lead, Pugsley cracks his knuckles and pulls out a baseball bat from behind the stuffed animals. Where he got it from doesn't matter. Granger's eyes boggle and he simpers along, pulling along the boy with him to a different prison, if she had to estimate.

His wife doesn't get the memo, apparently. But this time, she's brought Enid.

Pugsley reaches for the bat, but Wednesday touches his arm, and he slowly hides it again. She makes eye contact with Enid and greets her, only receiving a terse nod.

"Oh, you're already friends!" Martin-Granger coos horribly, before listening to the sound of her own voice and then leaving them.

It's just Enid and Wednesday and Pugsley as the lock audibly clicks on the door.

These odds are laughably easy.

It's one hour, twenty-five minutes, and thirty-seven seconds before Enid gets tired of the silence.

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