Chapter VII: Family

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In the throngs of reuniting families, the throwing knife is the first sign that Enid knows her family is here.

She catches the first one as it flies past her head, and then the second one when she turns around. The third one gets halfway down her throat before it's caught in her teeth, and her eyes lock onto the lil' gremlin man trying to kill her.

Enid spits out the blade she's currently swallowing and gives Pugsley a million-watt smile.

"Mamushka!" She hollers happily, repeating their own inside joke from years ago.

"She dances the mamushka!" Pugsley responds with a grin, before they headbutt each other in greeting and start doing their handshake of brotherly love. The Russian kicks, the slapping, and the "and-a-hey-and-a-hey"-ing are plentiful before they burst into laughter.

"Wednesday, my little death machine! And Enid, my bigger death machine!" Gomez croons, pulling Enid into a cold, rigid hug. She hugs him right back with a grin.

"I'm so happy to see you in person again Mr. and Mrs. Addams!" Enid cheers.

"Please, my dear," Morticia implores, gliding forward, "call us Gomez and Morticia from now on. It was hideously adorable when you were a child, but we'd like to avoid any confusion in the future."

Underhanded accusation of marriage and implicit acceptance? Enid's heart soars!

"Of course, Morticia," Enid curtseys to her future mother-in-law.

"Encapsulating," Morticia smiles, "now, Pubert, don't be shy. Come say hello."

The six-year old boy hiding behind Morticia's lean frame peeks out from behind his mother, and Enid almost melts, he's so cute. Of course, the fully-grown and well-curled mustache only heightened his cuteness.

"A good day to you, Enid," Pubert booms, his voice more fitting an old-school radio announcer rather than a literal child, "Excuse my timidity, I was simply awed by your height."

"You've grown so tall, too!" Enid chitters, before reaching down to muss up his well-kempt hair.

"I hope to one day surpass Lurch," Pubert confesses, and man, he sounds like a mix between Morgan Freeman and Stephen Fry. It's adorable.

"Thankfully, your affections can be dumped on Enid now, so that I don't have to suffer such embarrassing buffoonery," Wednesday grouses, before Thing hops up on her shoulder and signs a quick hello, "as you can see, your spy is alive and unharmed. Also, ineffective."

"Oh, no digits missing. Good!" Gomez nods, "Grandmama's sewing kit is ever so far away. I'd make the attempt, but the last time I did, I put them on backwards."

Pugsley chuckles at the memory while Thing signs angrily at Gomez about that particular mishap. Speaking of Grandmama, though, Enid does a head count. Mom, dad, wife, brother, other brother, hand, butler probably in the hearse... She sighs and remembers the exact rules for Parents' Weekend.

"I wish I could see her. Uncle Fester, too."

"Please," Wednesday hisses, "nobody wants to look at Uncle Fester."

"But we could at least talk about ways to hide bodies! And I really want to go into his line of work when I graduate."

"You shall have our support every step of the way, mi lobo! " Gomez promises, before he's cut off by someone clearing their throat.

Enid's anger flares because she knows exactly the sound.

While the rest of the Addams begin silently assessing the woman behind her, Enid straightens her back and feels her breath turn cold on instinct.

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