Unacknowledged [8]

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"what do you want me to do?",


Rainn had started to stir and slightly whine in his sleep due to the loud noise resonating from downstairs, his tiny body wriggling in discomfort just wanting to return back to sleep.
"Hey shhhhhhhhhhhh" Emmet tried to calm the almost awake baby, placing his large hand on Rainns chest/stomach to try add some reassurance to make the baby stay asleep also managing to slowly tap the crib with his foot allowing a slight rocking to ripple as another way to keep Rain asleep, with his other hand poking at the little ones nose. Luckily the constant shushing, slight rocking and reaffirming tummy strokes did keep Rainn asleep.
Rainns once scrunched up face had smoothed out as his slumber deepened. His little stubby arms where spread to his side wide out with Emmets hand on his tummy. Emmet had managed to finally calm the baby down.

"He misses you, you know" Emmet spoke quietly knowing that his brother had entered the room.
"He barley knows I exist" Edward moodily retorted walking towards his brother and the crib.

"No. He always is looking around to see where you are, you can ask any of the others. He look at all of us then continues looking around trying to find you, knowing that someone's missing". Emmet had noticed this happening a lot with Rainn, however the baby was always quick to stop searching and then going back to looking and paying attention at whoever he's interested in that particular day forgetting his actions moments earlier.
"He does?" Edward asked, surprised that there was some acknowledgment from Rainn toward him.
"Yup"Emmet said back giving Rainn a little tummy tap.

The two just stared at the tiny sleeping baby. Rainn's tiny breaths where filling the room. Every few seconds either Rainns eyebrows or nose would scrunch, giving the baby a very adorable expression, before relaxing back to a solemn sleeping face -.-

However not long after he started his nap the furrowing of his face turned permanent. This turning into Rainn having his lips pursed and a few whines to start to come out. Soon enough Rainn was full on wailing. Reacting quickly Edward pulled Rainn up into his arms bouncing him rhythmly.

Rainn was awake crying his little eyes out. Unknown to the two vampire in front of the baby Rainn had woken up to the pain from his mouth.
Rain had slowed his wails looking up to see Edward holding him.
Rainn did know the one holding him was very familiar, but the baby couldn't grasp who he was.

Clutching his chubby hand onto the shirt material Rainn continued his wailing not knowing why his mouth was hurting so much.
"His teeth, he's in pain" Jasper commented peaking round into the door frame.

With that comment Emmet was quickly off to the changing station drawers knowing thats where the mouth numbing cream was left.
Quickly zooming back Emmet managed to tilt Rainns head around and have the baby's mouth open, his cold fingers applying the cream to Rainns gums was instantly soothing to the small boy. This also causing his cries to soften in volume. Edward was still rocking Rainns tiny body slowly allowing Rainns cries to slowen till the numbing cream kicked in leaving a quiet sleepy 8 month old.
Rainn had few hiccups leaving his tiny body whist he recovered from his crying spree. Emmet,Edward and jasper had circled the baby as he had calmed down. Rainn looked up and around at each of the faces of his family around him, then went to stare at his hand. The hand being tightly clutched onto the shirt material, Rainn was confused as he knew it wasn't his uncle emmets shirt as his uncle wasn't holding him.

Looking up Rainn saw the familiar man as he did before, he couldn't place exactly who he was, but he knew that he looked familiar. Edward trying to figure out how Rainns baby mind worked did managed to piece bits and pieces together which did dishearten the vampire quite a bit.
'He doesn't understand who I am' was all that Edward could think looping though his brain.

Rainn let out a few baby grunts tugging Edward's shirt, still not fully understanding why he wasn't in Emmets arms and who this one was?. Having enough and not wanting to confuse his son anymore Edward reluctantly separated Rainn from his shirt and held him out for Emmet to take.
Emmet welcomed Rainn straight into his arms, surprised yet unsurprised at his brothers actions. Rainn happily cuddled into his uncles arms instantly knowing who it was.
Carlisle saw Edward quickly scurry out of the home, and already knowing what this was likely to be about he followed.
"Edward wait" luckily he'd managed to catch Edward before he'd ran away off into the woods to hunt. The 'teen' stopped in his tracks bouncing on the heels of his feet.

"He doesn't even know who I am, what kind of shit father do you have to be that your son can't even recognise you" Edward hadn't even turned to face Carlisle as he spoke this.

"-sigh- Edward, Rainns at the age where he's starting to learn things and achieve bonds with his toys or family, the one person Rainn sees all the time is Emmet, emmet acting as Rainns favourite toy you could say. He wont retain memory's until he's 2 or 3 so if he stops seeing something or someone he will forget, and that's what's happened with you. You stopped properly caring for him as his primary source, I'm not here to lecture you but you can't push Rainn to aside. Yes you think this human may be the one for you, but you can't ignore Rainn he is your responsibility. And to be honest if you're ignoring your son for a girl, I think you may need to re figure your priority's" this was harsh on Carlisle's part however it needed to be said, everyone was thinking it and yet even Edward the mind reader took no notice.
The two had remained in silence after that.

"Am- am I that ignorant?" Edward asked out, heart broken on what he was being told.
"Possibly, but to fix it you need to be around him" Carlisle had placed his hand on Edward's shoulder as reassurance as the two both stood in silence.

"You hungry?" Emmet asked cuddling Rainn in his arms. Emmet couldn't figure out if Rainn was hungry or needed to go back to his nap, he was now having to assume nap as Rainn was just cuddling into the bigger body not wanting to let go.
"You aren't gunna let me go ,are ya?" Rainn didn't respond with any baby noise, so it was up to assumption that he was drifting back into his nap.

"Baby bear?" No response. Smiling slightly Emmet walked to his and Rosalie's room knowing that he wanted to cuddle up with the little bug in his arms.
Getting in bed Emmet tried as much as possible to not move Rainn effecting his nap time and luckily that was done successfully. Bringing Rainn to lay more on his chest Emmet slowly moved him, Rainns footed onesie still cuddling his form.
Now having a comfortable cuddling formation emmet allowed himself to relax.., taking care of his baby nephew was busy business, yes business he loves doing, but business non the less and after business had been done its time to relax.
This relaxing consisting of smiles and head pats going to Rainn's sleeping body, all resulting in a grinning Rainn.
"Thought I'd find you in here" Rosalie said before quickly walking over to her husband and nephew, placing a soft kiss on both of their heads.

"Yup, this ones not letting go" Emmet spoke lightly petting Rainns head twice. Rosalie slid into bed cuddling up next to the pair, her head directly next to Rainns so she could see his cute sleeping face. This was definitely a cute sight to relax to, and definitely a chubby kissable baby face to occupy her.
"Mmmuu" a little whine Rainn let out before lazily trying to open his eyes, bringing his chubby fists to rub them slightly.

"Awake sweetie?" Rosalie asked baby Rainn, to only be ignored by him snuggling back into Emmets chest obviously trying to get back to sleep. This allowing a small chuckle to escape Rosalie's lips, sadly waking Rainn up more.
Slowly reaching his chubby hand out Rainn managed to grasp onto some of Rosalie's blond hair. It was known that Rainn enjoyed pulling hair, he really likes the texture of hair, Carlisle had told the lot that there was an enjoyments of babies pulling hair so they liked to let it slide as him being curious. Rainns mouth turned into a cheeky grin as he held the hair, this being reciprocated onto Rosalie face all together allowing emmet to grin too.

8th may 2023
1523 words
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