{2} In The Air [2]

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"Are you feeling tired?" Rosalie asked as she felt her son leaning slightly on her. Rainn's eyes drooping more by every passing second, him scrunching his nose up in a slight effort to keeping him awake. The blaring lights keeping his slightly awake.
"Yeah" Rainn sleepily spoke out yawning slightly at the end. The trio were sat at the airport, waiting for boarding on their flight to be opened, Rainn sat in the middle of his parents. The metal seating not being very comfortable on the humans back and behind, however him not making a fuss about it.
It would seem that the medicine had kicked in slightly early for the small teenager, as his speech came out drowsily as his body was slumped.

"We'll be on the plane soon enough, then you can sleep for as long as you want" Rosalie responded back brushing her fingers through his blond hair, this soothing Rainn a lot more than she had expected almost bringing him to the brink of sleep. Rosalie remembering all the ways Rainn was put to sleep when he was younger, these all apparently still working on the boy as he was so close to allowing himself to fall asleep.

"Yeah we've got your snacks ready, and I've already downloaded some films for you to watch when you are still somewhat conscious" Emmet mentioned having all of this readily prepared for Rainn. The three previously going into some of the in airport shops to pick up some food for him, Rosalie not trusting the aeroplane food at all. Emmett making sure his voice was slightly louder than usual to attempt for Rainn to hear him cohesively.

"Mmmm" Rainn hummed out looking to his lap where the paper bag was sat. The contents being a ham and cheese sandwich, a small multi bag of fruits, yogurt coated fruit bags and a small chocolate bar.

"Boarding opens in 10 minutes are you sure you don't need the bathroom again?" Rosalie asked, her not really wanting Rainn to have to wake up to go to the toilet whilst on the plane. Her and Emmet much preferring that Rainn would sleep through the journey as much as possible.
"I don't" Rainn mumbled out ruffing his head on his mother's upper arm alike a cat would.
"Are you sure, once we get on you wont be able to go for maximum an hour, not to mention that on a plane they aren't the nicest" Rosalie warned looking down at her sleepy son.
"I went 20 minutes ago, I'm fine I promise" Rainn sleepily spoke looking up to his mother's eyes with a sweet grin, before returning his head on her shoulder.

"Not long, then we actually start the journey" Emmet assured knowing that Rainn was already exhausted from the tablets.
"Mmmm" Rainn hummed out his body almost giving into sleep, Emmet seeing this acted swiftly,
"Nope" Emmet spoke before practically yanking Rainn towards him, Rainn's eyes widening at the movement.

"Dad"Rainn whined out lightly, this waking him up slightly. Before Emmett roughly ruffled his hair. This all in an effort to have Rainn remain awake, Emmets efforts working as Rainn could now sit up by himself.
"Anything to keep you awake for a bit" Emmet grinned out.

"I didn't think they would have kicked in this early" Rosalie commented, from the instructions from the doctors they should have had at least 20 minutes before they should have started to take effect, this allowing them to be pretty much boarding the plane.
"There's not much of him for the drugs to slow down" Emmet spoke, the pair talking above Rainn acting like he wasn't there,
"Mmm" Rainn hummed, Rosalie and Emmet freezing for a moment, before shuffling to grab their belongings. Rainn not understanding what they were doing.

"Boarding is about to open" Rosalie whispered to Rainn bringing him in the loop, as Emmet stood up and grabbed his and Rainn's rucksacks wanting them to be towards the front so they can board as soon as possible. Emmet knowing Rainn would only be slowed down by his rucksack if he carried it by himself.

"Come on" she then spoke as she held her hand out for Rainn to hold onto. Rainn accepting her hand as he took a small paper bag in his other hand. Just as they started walking to the desk the announcement came on opening the gate, allowing them to be the first to board.

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