{2} Returning [1]

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"Rainn have you packed your tooth brush?" Rosalie listed off, this being one of many of these questions that she has asked. Rainn answering each of her questions the same. Her in the middle of packing her bag whilst asking Rainn all of these questions, them both being sat in the downstairs sitting room, Emmet lurking around the connected open kitchen opening and closing drawers.

"Yeah, mom, I packed it this morning right after brushing my teeth," said the slightly taller 16-year-old, sinking into one of the armchairs as he watched his mother in front of him. Rainn's thick blond hair formed a tuft on top of his head, a trait that would immediately identify him as Rosalie's son to anyone who saw him. Unfortunately, he only stood at 5'5.5", though he always added that half-inch to feel a bit better about himself. His father often teased him about his small stature, which made sinking into the oversized armchair a bit of a struggle, often leaving him having to crawl out of it.

"Your Teddy bear?" She asked as she forcefully pushed a cream coloured wool jumper in her bag, Rainn observing not wanting to be in the bags place.
"Yeah yeah I got it" Rainn spoke swiftly his face blushing brightly at the mention of the stuffed toy, him feeling slightly embarrassed that he still needed that comfort item to sleep with. Realise taking no note of his frantic speech.

"Your essentials?" Rosalie continued finally managing to zip up her very luxurious hand luggage leather bag. This causing Rainn to look over towards the open kitchen where both his father was and his essential filled rucksack.
"Ive got everything. I think" he spoke looking up trying to remember what he had packed in both his rucksack and suitcase. Emmet cutting into the conversation,
"If it's something urgent we can buy him it over there". Emmet being aware that Rosalie was clearly getting stressed, he nor Rainn showing this same amount of stress.

"Rainn, we might not be back here for a while so you need to make sure you have your essentials" she spoke finally looking up straight to Rainn, she knew they couldn't replace sentiment, so if he wanted something important he needed to pack it. Rainn thinking back to everything that he has packed.

"Go have another look around for your mother's well being" Emmet recommended as he walked further I into the lounge, him wanting to try to distract Rainn whilst also calming his wife down.
"Okay dad" Rainn spoke as he quickly crawled to his feet and walked down the hallway to his room. His room being on the ground floor with the rest of the rooms, the entire first floor attic being a much larger sitting living area that the three mostly spent their time.

"You're worrying" Emmet pointed out as he knew that Rainn would be out of earshot, this statement by Emmet bringing out Rosalie's true feelings,
"Of course I am, we haven't seen them in years, he doesn't know who they are not to mention that he's going to a country he's never stepped foot in before" she rashly spoke as she dropped her now full bag to the floor nexts to Rainn's. She didn't want to go visit them, it wasn't her choice too, so of course she would be stressed.

"Come here" Emmet spoke pulling Rosalie in his arms, her hugging him back, "he'll be fine, we've been getting him used to speaking in English for everyday use, we've discussed how different it is culturally and we've set his excitement off for meeting the rest of his family. It's going to be fine." Emmet listed off every reason that they had to go, the final reason being the main one.

"I just worry for him and us, if he doesn't like it we're coming straight back" she assured. Rainn would be her saving grace if he didn't enjoy America.

"Of course". From the beginning of having Rainn the two had had a mutual understanding and agreement of Rainn being the top priority. He was the one who still was able to do whatever he wanted in life, to certain extents, so he was always the priority. Rainn had recently shown an interest in wanting to know about the rest of his family, Rosalie and Emmet having slightly different opinions on this. Rosalie going straight back into her doubts about Rainn being taken away from her, whist Emmet was quick to show the now grown boy his collection of photographs of the others. The pair spending an entire day talking about the rest of the family.
Rainn being put as priority now lead to a 13 hour flight all the way to Boston and then a 15 hour drive to Nashville, Indiana. The town of Nashville in Indiana being the new location the rest of family decided to locate for a while, low population, high density woodlands. This was decided after Rainn had started to ask rivers of questions about them, alongside seeing some of his baby photos where he is with his other family members, wanting to meet them.

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