Together [19]

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"Shh, shh, it's okay my little one" Rosalie whispered as she clutched Rainn close to her chest. The tears streaming down his face were a showing of how much he had missed his mother. Rosalie's undead heart swelled with love and relief as she held her baby boy in her arms once again where she saw that he belonged.
"Mama's here, and I'm not going anywhere," she cooed, gently rocking Rainn back and forth. The past week had been torture for her, being away from her son. But now that she was back, nothing else mattered.
Emmet stood close by to the pair, watching their tender moment between his wife and Rainn. He knew how much it had pained Rosalie to be away from Rainn for that long, and he was very grateful to see them reunited. He decided gave them a small amount of space ,being content to watch from a distance. As Rosalie continued to soothe Rainn, she couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and calmness wash over her. She was home, with her family, and everything was seemingly right in the world at this moment.

"Mama!" Rainn's voice trembled as he buried his tear stained face in her neck, Rainn longing for her after having a week of separation. But it wasn't just Rainn who had missed her, the feeling was mutual for all three of them. His breathing was ragged as his lungs struggling to keep up with the whirlwind of emotions that flooded over him.
"Mama, mama, mama," Rainn mumbled repeatedly, his voice a desperate plea for her presence. Unable to bear his nephews hurt any longer, Emmet pulled his wife and Rainn into a tight embrace. Rainn was so overwhelmed with joy at seeing his mama that he hadn't even had the chance to shed a tear for his dada. The reunion was a whirlwind of emotions, a testament to how deep the love is between them.

"Mi miss, mi miss" Rainn said trying to express his feelings, which was getting increasingly hard to manage with all of the crying that was going on.
"We missed you too, little bear," Emmet said to Rainn. Rainn looked up at him, hearing his voice, which was one of the voices he missed the most. Rainn's eyes were red and puffy, with tears still streaming down his face. Emmet reached up and gently wiped Rainn's tears away with his thumb. Rainn's green eyes widened at this gesture, and he leaned into Emmet's hands, finding comfort in their touch.

"Awww little bear, it's ok mama and Emmy are here" he said trying to reassure his little boy, Rainn seemingly not acknowledge him by his body language and much preserving to stay cuddled into his mother and Emmet.
"Rainn, Rainn sweetie. It's ok mommy and daddy are here, there's no need to cry" Rosalie quickly hushed, she wanted Rainn to stop crying she didn't know how much longer she could cope with Rainn's crying and how much it hurt her to hear it.

"Mamaaaa, dadaaaa!" he cried out, his voice echoing through the room. The sound of his harsh cries filled the air, however Rosalie was very determined to quieten and sooth him as quickly as possible. She started bouncing him gently, her arms cradling him with all the love and care she had in her ability.

"Have you been good while we were away?" she asked, her voice wobbling slightly as she tried to distract the tiny toddler. She wanted to ease his distress/ panicked state and bring a smile back to his chubby face. 
"I good," Rainn replied, his tone equally uneasy and wobbly. Throughout the week, Rainn had been praised countless times for being a good boy from his family members, who could clearly see that Rainn was freaking out being without the pair.

"How about we give you a nice, long bath? It will make you feel better," Rosalie suggested lightly to Rainn , hoping to bring some comfort to her little one. 
"I good," Rainn repeated not hearing or understanding what his mama had said, his voice filled with sniffles. He trusted his mama so he would do whatever she said.
"The best," Emmet chimed in, his voice firm and reassuring yet with a very warm sense to it, knowing how much Rainn likes his voice. He gently stroked Rainn's hair, and the little boy instinctively reached up to make sure his dada's hand stayed there, finding comfort in the touch.  "
Now, it's time for a bath, my good boy," Rosalie declared, her voice filled with warmth and love straight from her heart. The promise of a soothing bath awaited Rainn, a chance to wash away all of his worries.

16th October 2023
800 words

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