Roadblock [15]

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"He's bigger than I thought a baby would be" Bella said as Rainn slept in Edward's arms, Rainn idly snoozing ignoring the whole situation.
They were both sat on the floor of Edward's room leaning the backs against the light grey sofa. After bringing Rainn into the room the baby was pretty quick to go to sleep, his chubby baby body couldn't stay awake much longer especially not now as he had a full tummy and was all warm.
Rainn's sleeping face looked soft and calm, devoid of any worries in the world and it was something both of them could admire and wish they could have.

"What will happen as he grows up?" Bella asked wonderingly. She knew what they were, and she knew that she and Rainn were the same so how would he/she last as a human in a home full of vampires. Edward pulling his head back as he looked at her, him not expecting her to come out with this sort of question.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused of what she meant. Rainn still snoozing in his arms. Edward was now looking up to get a better sort of conversation with the human girl.

"When he gets older, I mean you all have to move often what's going to happen with him?" She came out with. She truly wasn't sure what would happen, from her understanding once you were turned there was no more aging. So was Rainn going to grow old whilst they stayed the same age, or were they planning on turning him. Bella wasn't sure at all, and if she was coming into this she would need to know, especially as she knew they had to move around a lot to not get caught.

"He'd be coming with of course" Edward said simply, him now having stopped rocking Rainn's little body.

"But he's human?" She pointed out. Was it really fair on Rainn to constantly be moving around, with no stable place to call home. Always having to meet new people, and at such a young age she wasn't sure how Rainn would be able to cope.
This was met with a very thick silence. Edward was very taken aback by what Bella was asking. In his mind he was now taking her asking this as if she was expecting him to abandon Rainn.

"He will be staying" Edward said firmly, him now holding Rainn firmly in his arms close to his chest away from the woman in front of him, leaning as far back as he could go.
Rainn started wriggling around at this new hold, and soon enough his little eyes opened.
Rainn started grunting slightly as he tried to move his held onto body, to this Edward did pull him up in a more sitting position folding to Rainn's demand. This allowing Rainn to wake up slightly more.

As the baby looked up he saw Edward's face and started to squish his cheeks as a way of entertainment. This allowing for a slight break in the tension that had been steadily growing in the room.
"Evening little one" Edward said slightly pulling from Rainn's grabby hands.

"Mmm" Rainn groaned out slightly blinking several times as he brought his chubby hands back down to his chubby body.
"What time is it?, Charlie will probably want me home soon" Bella asked, feeling done with how awkward this was becoming and just wanting an excuse to go home.
"Yeah, probably should set off soon" Edward said also wanting Bella to go, this ending back with a thick silence until Emmet popped his head around Edwards door frame.

"It's going to thunder tonight, were planning on going out to play you guys in?" Emmet asked. His grin obviously reflecting on his excitement for what was to come. Emmet also looking down to see Rainn safe and sound.

"Ill drop Bella off then join you guys" Edward explained standing up, Bella following suit. Emmet realising and now feeling the thick tension went over to retrieve/save his nephew then to leave as soon as possible.

"Hello again little buddy" Rainn giggled at his uncle as he was brought into a cuddle.
When he finally got comfy in his uncles arms did Rainn let out a slight huff from being gone from his uncle for so long. Turning around to give his brother some time alone with Bella, Emmet started walking towards the living room knowing that Rosalie was in there, her being desperate to see Rainn again.

"Don't be going all huffy of me now I had to work hard to be the one to collect you" Emmet lectured slightly to Rainn, however Emmets words had no effect on Rainn, as the baby continued to huff and grunt for apparently no reason.
"He in a mood?" Rosalie asked as Emmet entered the living room with Rainn. Rosalie being quick to walk over to the pair.

"Apparently" Emmet said pulling slightly away from Rainn to fully see his little face.

"Give him here" Rosalie said taking him from her husbands arms and holding high to stiff. Pulling back she spoke to Rainn.
"You don't need a nappy change, you've just had a nap and you've eaten not too long ago. So what's wrong?"
Rainn didnt really respond to Rosalie's words. He just let his bottom lip purse out and look away from her. Rosalie not having this with the baby spoke out again this time more authoritivly.

"Okay" Rosalie said before entering the living room and placing Rainn on the carpeted floor, Rainn instantly being confused of why he's sat on the floor.
"Maybe he needs some alone time"
However when Rosalie took a few steps back small whines started coming from Rainn. Both Rosalie and Emmets eyes widened at these, and before they knew it Rainn was full on bawling, his little body shaking with sobs.
Snapping into action the two vampires rushed over to the bawling baby and started to hush him and cuddle him.
Rainn instantly attaching his hands onto the closest clothing to him, which happened to be Rosalie's sleeve.

"Rainn?" Rosalie asked lifting him up into her arms, Rainn instantly ostriching himself into her chest.
"Maa" he cried out, tears still running down his reddening cheeks. Rainn keeping his hands clenched on Rosalie not wanting her to disappear from him.

"Oh Rainn were here, its okay, shhhhhhhh" she shushed bouncing him around trying as hard as she could to calm him down.

"It's okay baby bear, uncle Emmets right here" Emmet said in his bright and happy tone to try and appeal to Rainn, this seemingly not working so well as the baby didn't even acknowledge him, Rainn focusing solely on Rosalie.

Rainn was quite quick to quieten down from Rosalie's acts, only leaving him sniffling into her chest.
"You're okay you're okay, mama's here. Mama's here" she whispered out to Rainn, swaying her body side to side to sooth the boy. Her eyes screwed shut to calm her down, with Rainn also calming down at her movements. Emmet freezing on what Rosalie had just said. Rosalie not stopping swaying Rainn, with Rainn now almost silent again.
Emmet after a few seconds pulled his wife into his arms, also looping Rainn into the hug as well. Rainn just hiding himself in Rosalie as the three embraced.

5th September 2023
1235 words

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