Looking for Rainn [6]

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"Rainn?"Edward was walking into his home expecting to see his son in the front room safely where he left him in his little cot asleep. However Rainn wasn't there.
Knowing Esme was supposed to be supervising Rainn, she was the first one Edward went to look for, to find where his son had gone off too.

"Esme where is Rainn?" Edward asked finding his mother in the kitchen warming up some baby formula, not seeing a baby boy with her.
"I think Rose took him upstairs" Esme told him pausing what she was doing to look at her son. The only 4 in the home were Edward, Esme , Rosalie and baby Rainn. All the others where at work or at school.

"Upstairs?" Edward assured.

"I'm pretty sure. When you do find them please bring baby Rainn down for lunch, he must be hungry" Esme asked knowing that Rainn hasn't drank any milk in a while. Rainn did get hungry quite a lot, however he did only drink half what he's supposed to at each sitting so it was allowing him to drink enough during the day. Yet they always had a full bottle prepared just in case he did want to finish the bottle, that or Edward would encourage him to drink all the milk before going for a long sleep.

Edward had ran off looking for his baby. He hadn't seen Rose around Rainn the few days that Rainn has been here, and had noticed that she'd been actively avoiding the baby, and acting passively as always. He knew, as all of them did on her views of humans, and Rainn being now in the family couldn't make her turn a fresh leaf on her views especially how little time Rainn has been there.

After checking most rooms he found the two. Rose had Rainn held in her arms, as they were both looking out of a large window. Rainn was making small baby whines which almost gave the appearance of him trying to talk to Rosalie. She was just bouncing/swaying the baby lightly whilst making sure that he had enough support, especially on his head, knowing that the newborn needed support to hold his heavy head up.

"So this is where he's been"Edward spoke out announcing his presence, although she already knew that Edward was behind her, she didn't know if he was going to talk to her.

Rainn continued his baby babbles as Rose glanced behind her to meet Edward's eyes, before returning her gaze outside.
"What are you going to argue about?" Edward asked knowing some sort of confrontation on Rainn being here was about to start.

"How is he going to have a good quality of life surrounded by us. Why should he be subject to a life restricted due to the family around him. He belongs to be with his own kind" Rose spoke out, she understood that all of Rainns life would be restricted, with the constant moving houses, not being able to spend much time outside when it's sunny, and avoiding very populated areas.

"His mother is dead, he would then be put in an orphanage and have no guarantee of ever getting a home and a family to adopt him. He his my son and will stay here. I understand that he won't be able to do every thing a child should be able to do especially in the sun, but he is my son and I will give him the best life possible"The world is cruel and there are many unfair situations within life, Edward knew that he would do everything in his power to care and raise this boy as well as he could, giving Rainn the best life possible.

Edward had reached out to take baby Rainn out from Rosalie's arms, the two where stood in that pose for a few moment before Rose slowly passed the baby over to him.
Holding onto his baby securely, Edward carried his son downstairs to be fed.

Rosalie turned back around, gazing out the window to the luscious forest in front of her. Venom swelling in her eyes, her true issues coming to mind. 'Why couldn't I have had him'.


"Ahhh nom nom nom" Esme babbled out making eye contact with her grandson. Rainn was drinking warm milk from the bottle his father was supporting. Rainn was grinning on hearing funny noises from in front of him. His eyes wouldn't be able to see clear objects until, he was around 2/3 months old. Unless the objects were very clear to his face. That's why he was babbling earlier to Rosalie, she had his face so close to her face allowing him to make out some shapes with his newborn super nearsighted eyes.

Rainn was enjoying his milk and all the attention he was getting. Whilst he was drinking his milk, Rainn started to wave his tiny hands around. As Esme was the only one with both her hands available she gladly took both her grandsons hint hands in her own. Rainn's grin grew with the new contact to his tiny hands. Esme had started a sort of baby dance with her and Rainns connected hands. Rainn stopped drinking and started making gurgling laughing noises clearly happy and enjoying that baby dance the two where doing.

"All done for now?" Rainn didn't respond to his fathers question, nor even acknowledge him way too focused on his grandma in front of him.
Quickly detaching Rainn's and his mothers hands he positioned the baby to easily burp him. However as soon as Esmes hands where taken away from rain his tiny non existent eyebrows furrowed and a very annoyed baby grunt came out from him. Expecting Rainn to start crying pretty quickly, edward was swift to start patting the baby's back wanting him burped as soon as possible.
As soon as Rainn burped Edward gave his tiny hands back to Esme before Rainn actually started crying, now making him forget to cry as he was back holding hands with his grandmother smiling away happily enjoying his baby youth.

21st January 2023
1061 words
Quick question,
Do y'all want Bella to be a main character in the story as like Edward's love?
Or do you want her to a very minor character who will come then go pretty quickly?

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