Telling the parents

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Percy POV

 I woke up curled up with Annabeth my finance. Saying that just brings a smile to my face I was soon going to marry my best friend and the love of my life. I just wanted to sleep in today, but apparently, that wasn't going to happen because the moment I shut my eyes the door slammed open.

"WAKE UP" Piper screamed as she jumped on our bed "Everyone in the Dining hall is waiting for you."

"Piper can you not be a Daughter of Aphrodite for at least another hour," Annabeth whined,

"Percabeth is engaged, the whole camp is excited" Piper squealed "So get up get dressed and  go to the Pavilion."

"Okay, you win, we'll be right there," I said.

"Yay!" With that she was off 

"You know we could ditch and go to the beach" I said.

She chuckled "They'd have our heads Seaweed Brain, let's just get this over with"

After we got dressed we went to the dinning hall and were bombarded with congratulations

"The Golden Couple are engaged" Someone yelled.

The seven, plus Nico and Grover, were all eating at the Poseidon table.

"Have you put any thought into the wedding ye>t" Piper asked

"Pipes, we've been in engaged for less then a day." Annabeth said 

After breakfast we all went our different directions. Annabeth and I heading to the beach, we sat down in the sand just enough so the water could touch our feet.

"You know we're going to have to tell our parents right?" Annabeth said leaning her head on my shoulder 

"Yeah Athena is going to kill me" I said, chuckling.

"Maybe we'll start with your mom then."

"I know she'll be happy she loves you more then me" 

she laughed beautifully "When then?" she asked

"How about tomorrow?"

"Works for me."

The next day we're standing outside my mom's apartment. I knock on the door and a few seconds later my mom opened the door with a big smile appearing on her face the moment she seen us

"Oh my gods" She said pulling us into a bone crushing hug

"Hey Mom."

"Hi Sally."

"You two are in luck, I am making blue cookies" she said letting us in 

My face lit up at the mention of my mother's famous blue cookies we walked in to the kitchen Paul was sitting at the table going through papers.

"Hey you two" He said looking up.

"Hey Paul" We both replied  

My mom set a plate of blue cookies in front of us I instantly grab a handful making everyone laugh. I may be well into my twenties,  but I haven't lost my childish charm.

"So what brings you two here?" My mom asked.

I finished the cookie in my mouth before replying  "We have something to tell you" I said rather nervously  

"Good or bad?" Paul asked

"Good very good" Annabeth smiled 

There was a moment of silence Annabeth and I looked at each other and said at the same time "We're engaged." Annabeth held up her hand.

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