Wars on the horizon

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Percy POV

A month Silena is a month old and with that come little sleep which isn't the best seeing her birthday was the mark of war. The monster seems to have doubled reports from Renya at camp Jupiter says there's also a group of monsters looming outside but don't do anything it is always the same group of Hellhound, Kampe, and Cyclops, On the other hand, camp half-blood has had four attacks with different monster each time. Attacks I'm still not allowed to fight in it broke my heart knowing they were after my daughter and I couldn't sleep at night along with her crying. Annabeth and I were both sleep deprived and it showed as much as I could hide around our friends Annabeth could not I knew she tried it just never lasted long. 

We haven't been our best either it seemed to have a child is hard which I figured would be but again when your child is at such risk of being killed it puts a strain on your shoulders a different strain than me and Annabeth aren't used to. We've been bickering more I've been helping with battle strategies and preparing weapons and putting defense on the border hoping the space is what we need. I knew what we were doing wasn't good or health especially with a baby but we try at and I knew we could get over this little dump.

Which brings us to now feeling sense of deja vu. I was just heading back to the Poseidon cabin after a very long meeting indicating this war. When I walked into the cabin seeing Annabeth in her rocking chair her back towards me. I walked up to her place my hands on her shoulders rubbing them ever so gently and looked down at our little Silena her green eyes looking up at us you could there will be wisdom in her eyes one day just like her mother but I also knew she was born to be a fighter the most powerful greek legacy, she born for greatness that this world ,our world didn't deserve. 

"How was the meeting?" Annabeth asked taking her eyes off of Silena and looked into mine "long ,boring and missing the best stargestist" I said kissing her forehead that got her to chuckle music to my eyes. We may bicker more but we'd never stop loving each other it was impossible she was my anchor to this world and I wasn't going to let that go.

"We're going to send a small group to do some recon gather what they can and then come back no fighting involved simple and easy" I said walking up to our closet changing my shirt. "okay how many and who?" she stood up putting Silena in her crib "three just like it supposed to be Chiron request there sending a Hermes, Apollo, and Athena kids" I replied I turned around seeing a surprised look on her face "huh clever,brave and smart who came up with that clearly not you" she smiled I walked up to her putting my arms around her waist and her arms went around my neck "very funny, Jason thought of it" "he's really stepped up" I just nodded my head I knew she could tell something was bother me she always could  and I know she knows what it is.

She gave me a sad smile"you'll be back before you know it their giving you this time to spend  with your daughter Hades knows what might happen" I nodded my head "you're right" she laughed "when am I not?" I gave her a quick kiss before she resumed our conversation "when do they leave?" She asked "today some time there doing the normal procedure then their off"

She nodded again I could tell she was tired so I lead her to bed we both slipped underneath the cover and we closed our eyes while we could first rule of a new parent 101 sleep when the baby sleeps and that's just what we did. Well that was till some started to bang on the door very hard waking us up and of course Silena she started crying. Annabeth went to her when I went to the door to see who the hell would do that when they know we have a baby. I opened the door really annoyed but my face fell when I seen Grover  "Sorry Percy didn't mean to do that hard it just-I - I mean" I could he was nervous he was dancing on his feet and fiddling with his hands "hey Grover buddy calm down what is it" I said putting my hands on his shoulder to stop him from moving by now Annabeth was beside me Silena in her arms "You're both wanted in the big house it's regent"

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