Sick of being sick

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Annabeth POV  

I woke up and immediately ran to the bathroom emptying my stomach, morning sickness great it really is official I'm pregnant. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder meaning I woke up Percy he put my hair in a ponytail and then started to rub my back. I groaned and then rested my back against Percy he started to massage my shoulders "Gods this sucks" I complained he kissed the side of my head "How far along are you?" He asked "Six weeks," I said before moving back to the toilet to continue throwing up Percy just kept rubbing my back which helped a little bit "Don't you have to see somebody?" He asked I groaned again "You're supposed to at eight weeks but I guess it doesn't hurt to book an appointment the problem is who we're seeing I don't feel comfortable with a mortal doctor but I still don't want camp knowing" Percy kept rubbing my back "We can always just talk to Will, I doubt he'll say anything if we asks him not to" "Alright we'll talk to Will" he gave me a soft smile "Are you okay now?" He asked "I thin-" I was cut of when another wave of  nausea came and I consumed my previous position. 

I had spent an hour and half puking my guts out this was only the night and I'm already sick of throwing up. Percy and me we're currently on our way to the Pavillion for breakfast and after we were going to find Will and talk to him. as I stepped into the pavilion I was hit with a different assorts of smells that immediately made me feel nauseous I pushed down the best I could so I wouldn't bring suspension but Percy noticed "you okay?" I nodded my head not daring to open my mouth we grabbed our plates and made our way to the poseidon table where all of our friends are. The moment I sat down Nico had gave me a weird look before shaking his head and kept eating.  I had order simple toast and fruit with some orange juice even though I wasn't hungry I had to keep the act but everyone's food was making it harder and harder. I slowly biting my toast eating as little but as much as possible to A keep my nausea down but B to not draw attention I could feel Percy glance my way what felt like every second he was about the only person who could see through bluf, well him and Thaila but she wasn't here right now so I wasn't worried. To my luck I had successfully finished a piece of toast but I really couldn't hold back anymore I squeezed Percy's hand to get his attention away from his conversation with Jason he must of understood because he squeezed back "Sorry to cut this short but I actually have a busy day ahead to get started see you guys a lunch" he said the last part a little to quickly as we both got up and made our way out of the pavillion we barely made it to the cabin before I lost my guts I sprinted faster to the bathroom before throwing up what little I had in my stomach. Percy resumed the same position he was in last night I felt bad for talking him away from our friends . "I'm sorry" I said after I was done throwing up "For what?" he asked "you where in the middle of talking with Jason and I took you away I shouldn't have needed you". I started to sniffle, stupid hormones Percy caught my sniffles and tears in my eyes he pulled me in his lap "Hey Wisegirl don't cry, you and this baby will always be my top priority no matter what I'm doing If you need me I'll drop whatever it is to help even friendly conversation or battle meeting I don't care as long as I'm here with you" he said tucking a curl behind my ear "really?" I asked "really" he kissed my forehead and I buried my head in his neck as he held me close "Thank you" I mumbled "of course wisegirl I love you" he said "love you  too" 

We sat there for a few minutes he simply held me close and stroked my hair "Hey we should find Will" he said in my ear "Okay" I said I got of his lap and stood up he followed suit and we made our way out the door  

We arrived at the infirmary we walked we seeing Nico sitting on a chair probably waiting  for Will but when he seen us he gave me the same look he did at breakfast.  I gave a weird look to Percy who just shrugged it off. We waited at the door and before long we seen Will come out from behind a curtain "Hey Percy, Annabeth what's up" He asked "We were hoping  we could speak with you" Percy said Will nodded his head "um Privately" I said "of course follow me" he took us to the back away from everyone else so no one could hear us. 

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