Baby Jackson

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Annabeth POV 

I am nine months pregnant and beyond ready to get this baby out. I don't remember the last time I had a comfortable and peaceful sleep. My feet were swollen and the baby was lower in my stomach making it worse. I don't know if it was my ADHD or hormones or even both but I was constantly on edge and irritable. I was still a week from my due date and I couldn't stand it the days seemed to really drag on. Like the Gods were delaying my pregnancy which maybe they were because it is destined to cause a war that we still weren't planned for. 

I didn't sleep that night for two reasons the baby seemed to not want to sit still and two I had a terrible nightmare for once that wasn't tied to Tartarus but seemed much worse. I stared at the roof the imagines of the dream still fresh in my mind I was crying and knew I needed Percy but I couldn't make myself wake him up. He needed sleep as much as he could get because once this baby comes neither of us was getting any. I stared at the roof glaring at it think if I did long enough the image of Percy lifeless body would leave my mind but the longer I stared the more it seemed to stay I knew I wouldn't get out of this one alone so I pushed my hubris aside and woke up Percy which I hadn't had to do in years. It took a few tries but he slowly opened his eyes and the moment he saw my tear stained cheeks he was fully awake. "Hey what's wrong?" he asks as he  wraps his arms around me "It was so bad" I said sobbing hoping he got what I meant "a nightmare?" I just nodded my head and just buried my face in his neck he rubbed my back soothingly as I came apart he was used to the my breakdowns from Tartarus but this wasn't one of those time this was something completely different and my hormones were already out of whack so it was 10x worse. "Can you tell me about?" he asks I pulled away from his neck and looked into his bright green and very much alive eyes I let out a shaky breath "we were in the middle of a battle or something fighting just like how we used to the best  part was we were winning I felt in my bones that for once it might be a happy ending that the fates were on our sides. For some reason you had left my side,one minute I was hopeful but the moment I turned around seeing  you laid on the beach it was gone. The water was five feet in front of you and you weren't moving when I had got to you a larger stab wound was straight  through you heart you were dead Percy and there was nothing I could" I started to cry again I was so sick of crying I never cried "Hey Wisegirl shh it's okay I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" Percy kissed my forehead till the tears quit coming "I love you so much never forget that" he said I had so much fear of everyone I loved leaving me because that's what they had always done but I knew this man would never leave me he hasn't yet so why would he know. "I love you too" I said I stayed in his arms and he didn't even move a muscle I thank the gods everynight over and over for bring him into my life I don't think I would  have survived if he didn't.

An hour tops is the the amount of sleep I had gotten a very discomforting cramp had ran through my lower back and abdomen all the way to my pelvis I had felt a wet substance underneath me I was full aware  now to what was happening. I snaked out of Percy arms and hit his shoulder "Percy, Percy" This was harder then an hour ago  "what" he mumbled "get up" I said  in a sharp voice "five more minutes" he  responded I felt my eye twitch I and I seriously thought about hitting him with his alarm clock or smuggling him with a pillow "if you don't get up in the next five seconds and I have this kid without you I will let Athena pulverize you" I snapped that got woke him up he jumped up like a spring he through on a shirt and some clean sweat pants before coming up to me he gave me a huge smile that I gladded returned "we're having a baby" he smiled I chuckled "We're having a baby" I repeated he then helped me up and grabbed a bag we packed and rushed into the infirmary. of course when we got there no one  was working  a five o'clock Percy and rushed out and I swear I could hear him burst down the Apollo door asking for Will. After a few minutes Percy, Nico, Will some of his  sibling came in. Will must have been in the Hades Cabin which Is probably why it took longer along with why Nico was present. Will smiled at me as his sibling went to get ready "well are you ready to have a baby or not?"

~~~~~~(am not describing the labor for your sanity and mine)~~~~~~

 After a long labor I was finally holding my precious baby girl Percy and mine's daughter something I had been craving for so long and had waiting nine long months she was so small a perfect baby size. When they placed her on my chest I knew that this was what I was meant for. I would be the best mother for this little girl,  I'll give her something I had never had but I'll be amazing at it.

I smiled down at her as Percy smiled down at the both of us he kissed the top of my head. Our perfect little family, The Jackson. 

For once I didn't think about the prophecy or the war I just sat there holding my daughter, living in the life I wanted with Percy for so long. I was happy, he was happy and it was perfect.

Of course after giving  labor you become extremely exhausted so I had handed her to Percy and I fell into the world of dreams happy . Dreams nothing terrible nothing could wreck my mood or the moment that had just went down.

When I woke up again I looked to see Percy who hasn't moved at all he still sat in a chair holding  our daughter with the proudest grin on his face. "I told you" I mumbled he jumped a little hearing my voice "what do you mean?" he responded take his eyes off our daughter and looked into mine "That you'd be a great dad" I smiled more than I thought possible his smile grew bigger "So are you sure on the name?" he asked I nodded my head "I am if you are" "It's perfect right " he said looking down I smiled at my husband and daughter

Before long our friends made there way to us obviously were awaken by the panic that happened early this morning. Percy even called his parents and Chiron had let the barrier down for them to come meet their first grandchild.

The room has packed with our closest and longest friends Jason, Piper, Thaila, Nico, Will , Leo, The stolls, Katie, Clarisse even showed up  and Percy parent's and Estella unfortunately Frank and Hazel had left early in the week to go to camp Jupiter for predator reason but said they be back in a few days to help with the war.

Everyone took turns holding the baby Percy's mom and Piper gushing over her this was truly a blessing I was around my family, my really family the ones' who stuck with me through thick and thin from when I first showed up at the age of seven till now holding my first child. "So are you going to tell us her name" Piper asked "Yeah since you were both so ken on keeping it a secret" Thaila added. Sally handed her back to me I looked down at her then back at Percy and then everyone else.

"Everyone meet Silena Zoe Jackson" I said Clarissa made a hiccup sound and even who was around at the battle of Manhattan was silent for a moment.

"It's beautiful" Sally said I looked down at Silena who's eyes were open and staring into mine they are bright like her fathers something I could look into all day she had little tuffs of blond hair that you could no doubt guess she was got from me. I loved all of it all of her she was the perfect amount of Percy and me and I wouldn't change a thing. We were a family a happy one, everyone no doubt would calls us

The Jackson family.


I had such a hard time coming up with a name you  have no idea I  wanted to use biannca but my opinion is that they would leave that for Nico if he a Will were to adopt a child which I believe would happen but I spent a month going back between Zoe Sally Jackson or Silena Penelope Jackson but somehow I comprised and that what was my decision hope you enjoyed. it short but i am planning longer ones for sure. 

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