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As I'm walking to the restroom because I need to take a fat shit I find a plan b pills package..

A little while later...

As I'm walking to confront Lori whom Is sitting by herself I tightly hold the package.
"Something you need to tell me?" I ask
"We can't leave ,I'm pregnant". Lori spoke, confirming my suspicions.

"Are you?" I reply showing Lori what I found earlier.
"I threw them up.... Talk to me.." she says.
"How long have you known?" I asked.
"Does it matter?" Lori says
"Days? Weeks?" And you didn't tell me? I replied to her with a serious face.
"You did tell me we have no roof and no walls-"


"You tear into me for keeping secrets when you're holding on to THIS?!." I said being upset that Lori had been keeping this from me.
"You want me to bring a baby into this.. to live a short cruel, life?!" Lori replied raising her voice a little.

"We can't protect the son we already have!" Lori cried
"Ha So, this is the solution." I said
"Rick, I threw them up. I screwed up... I don't know how we do this" Lori said while she began to cry.

I look down trying to process what was just
Happening. I know she wasn't wrong that brining a child into a world full of walkers isn't the best option but there has to be another way.

"I can make it work" I said trying to reassure my wife.
"..tell me how.." she said. "We'll figure it out, shouldn't we try to figure it out?!" I said.
"You- you threw up the pill . You want this baby, I know you do." I said.
"Not like this. I'm not giving birth in a ditch..not.. not when it's life hanging by a thread for a second. Not when every cry we'll put it and Carl and everyone else we care about into danger.. that's not right" says Lori.

"Not even giving it a chance isn't right either" I said.
"Maybe this is why I didn't want to tell you" Lori replied while touching her head worryingly.
" I still- I still don't understand why. You you really think I'd make you have a baby you don't want?" I said. "No.. so that if I went thought with it it would be in my conscience and not yours."

"Maybe that's true but I can't live like this anymore. Lori, we can't live like this. Is their anything else I should know about?" I said.

Lori looked at me and then she looked down like if she wasn't sure she wanted to tell me something. She stood there in silent thinking about something until she finally opened her mouth and said something I didn't think she would say.

"Shane and I."

TROUBLE (Rick grimes x shane) Where stories live. Discover now