Rick's Warning

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"There. Whatever." Shane said.
"You don't think I would have done it?"I asked
"Oh man I know you wouldn't."
"You don't think I can keep Lori or Carl safe." I said
"I didn't say that." Says Shane.

"Or my baby. Is he gonna have to be me to too." I said
"Shane you can't just be the good guy and expect to live, ok? Not anymore." Shane said.
"I'm not the good guy anymore. To save Carls life I would have done anything, anything. Now Lori said  you're dangerous but you're not gonna be dangerous. Not to us, not to me, not anymore. "I said.

"How about you look at me" I said.
"You and Lori. I said while pausing for a couple seconds before continuing what I was gonna say. "I get what happened. When I figured it out and i figured it out pretty quickly I wanted to break your jaw, let you choke on your teeth.. but I didn't. That wasn't weakness. It took everything. That is is why wife, that is my son, that is my unborn child, I will stay alive to keep them alive." I said

"You don't love her. You think you do but you don't. Now the only way you and me keep on is that you accept everything I just said right here right now and we move forward with that understanding.

Honestly I did want to beat the living hell out of Shane but maybe I didn't because he had been my best friend as long as I could remember. Maybe that was the reason why I didn't break his jaw. I still can't bring myself to blame Lori, heck even Shane. It makes me sad that the two people who I trusted the most in this world would be the ones to betray me like this. Little did I know that this confrontation would change everything.

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