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Shane's pov*

I've been thinking a lot about what Rick said to me.. Maybe he's right. Maybe I don't even love Lori but I keep thinking I do. I'm just so confused with these feelings and emotion I have. I know I feel something but if it isn't towards Lori than who is it?

A while later...

As I'm still thinking about what Rick said I hear some footsteps. I take out my gun thinking it could be a walker but thankfully it was only Rick.  Rick was shirtless...

I wonder, has he always been this god damm fine? I don't know what's going on with me but my hearts pounding so fast seeing Rick in this state

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I wonder, has he always been this god damm fine?
I don't know what's going on with me but my hearts pounding so fast seeing Rick in this state.
"Shane do you have a spare shirt, mine got dirty from walker blood." Rick said.
... "Shane.?" Rick asks again. God damm it I can't even say anything. "Shane-" Rick said before I cut him off with a kiss. "Mmm.." I said closing my eyes. Rick was clearly speechless by what I did and I expected him to slap me and beat the shit out of me but what he did next shocked me.

Dick grabbed by ass with one hand and squeezed it while grabbing my head with the other making the kiss deeper.
As we're kissing and our tongues are fighting over dominance I can't help but to let out some moans. "R-Rick" I moaned softly. Our kissing session lasted for about 5 minutes and when we finished we were both out of breath. "Rick.." I whispered.
"Shane how about you and I take this somewhere else." Rick said while biting his lip seductively.

Oh god he's so fucking hot. I think I might burst. With lust in my eyes I replied "Lead the way".
Rick and I walked to the forest where we proceeded to fuck there because of privacy reasons. Honestly fuck Lori who needs her when you got Dick Grimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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