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While I'm trying to process what Lori just told me I start thinking about things. How Shane and Lori seemed to have a strange relationship. How Lori didn't want Shane around Carl. It all made sense now. I couldn't help but think that while I was in a hospital they were going at it.

"I know, of course I know." I said.

I couldn't even bring myself to blame Lori for this.
"You thoughts I was dead. The world went to shit and you thought I was dead,right?" I said while trying my best to keep calm and not lose it.

".. yeah" Lori replied with tears in her eye.
I just nod my head not knowing what to say. I know I was gone and she thought I was dead but it was only for 3 months. I can't even bring myself to get angry at her because I don't blame her. Maybe I should have been there with her. Maybe this is my fault for not being with her through all this. I just still can't process my wife and my best friend were sleeping together while I was "dead". Would things have been different if I wasn't injured? I just want to forget and move on from this. 

A while later.

Shane and I got out of the car and started walking. This was the perfect opportunity to set some things clear him. "I thought we were going further" Shane asked. "We are, 18 miles out". I said while looking back at Shane. "That's why we're stopping, I want to talk." I said while looking directly at Shane whom was now by my side. "Been waiting a week till we were gonna do this. I just want to talk." I said

"We don't need to." Shane replied.
"We do." I said. "No no we don't" Shane said in response. "Were doing this, I get it. He's passed out when y'all brought him back. Don't know where the farm is-
"That isn't what I need to talk to you about" I said while cutting Shane off.
"I heard what really happened at the school. Was it to survive?" I said.
"Yeah...One of us wasn't going to make it out, that'd be him" Shane says.

"Once you got to the lake Carl lives. The reality is.. you had to business being here." Shane said while shrugging.

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