Chapter 1

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Some people come in your life as blessings,others come in your life as lessons

Megan's POV

"MEGAN!WAKE UP!IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Sapphire,my 9 year old sister, screamed in my ear as she jumped on my bed. I opened my right eye and looked at the time on my digital alarm clock by my bed. It was 8.30 a.m. "Alright Saph, I'm coming. Just give me five more minutes." I mumbled, rolling onto my stomach and burying my face in my pillow. Just as I started to drift off to sleep, I felt ice cold water slosh over me. I sat up, bolt upright and gasped for air. Now i was wide awake. I scrambled out of my bed. My white baggy pajama shirt was sticking to my body, now slightly transparent as it was wet. Sapphire giggled. "I can see your bra, Meglemore!" (Meglemore was my nickname from Sapphire, it sounded like Macklemore but my real nickname was Ginger)"That's it! I've had enough, come here you little rascal!" I cried, laughing as I lunged for Sapphire. She ducked and ran downstairs, giggling . When Sapphire was at the last step, I flung myself forward, wrapped my arms around Sapphire's skinny waist and we crashed to the ground.Sapphire shrieked in delight and tried to wiggle free. I kept a tight hold on her and picked her up carrying Sapphire to the sofa and plopping her down. I bent under the cardboard Christmas tree,that Sapphire made,and grabbed her first present. I sighed. Christmas was the only time i ever saw real joy in my little sister's eyes.Ever since our Mother and Father died a few years ago, Sapphire and I had been living by ourselves. I was 18,19 this year,and I was the legal age to live by myself. The day I left the orphanage, I took Sapphire, the only flesh and blood I have left, with me. I had a job in a music shop, and it paid well. Just enough for Sapphire and I. But recently, I had been saving up money for something.


A few months ago, Sapphire came into my room from school and told me that a band she liked, 5 seconds of summer or something like that, was coming into our hometown for a three day concert. Sapphire knew that she would not be going to their concert, but all the same, the excitement in her voice made my heart melt. I decided to bring her there. I began working overtime, and even took an extra job as a stripper from a club...haha just joking with you i took an extra job as a bar barista. Soon, I had saved enough money.I bought two tickets to a 5sos concert for both of us. Daym,were they expensive. But at least Sapphire had something to look forward to.


I grinned as Sapphire grabbed her first present. I bought it for her, but i had labeled it "From: Mum and Dad." Sapphire loved Christmas as she always thought that our parents came as spirits and gave her presents. Sapphire carefully unwrapped the paper, not wanting to tear it. As we couldn't afford fancy paper, our presents weren't normally wrapped. But this one was special. Once Sapphire had unwrapped it, she found herself holding two tickets and two backstage passes to a 5sos concert. Screaming, Saph flung her arms around me, tears of joy flowing from her eyes. No words were needed. I smiled. "Come on Saph! The concert starts in two hours!Let's go!" I shouted. Saph darted upstairs and I got to my feet. It was now already 9.30 a.m. I smiled and prepared breakfast. A few minutes later, Sapphire appeared, wearing my clothes. It was baggy and too boyish for her style. " I want to be a grown up!" she squeaked as I dragged her back upstairs to change. She put on a sky-blue dress and I tied her blond hair in a messy bun. Sapphire skipped downstairs and started eating her breakfast as I hopped into the shower and changed into the best outfit I had.(bought from a second hand charity shop). A muscle tee, ripped jeans, old grey sneakers and my wavy waist-length natural red hair flowing down my back. I quickly made my bed, then went through the door joining my room with Sapphire's. I made Sapphire's bed and then jogged down the stairs. She had finished her breakfast and was waiting eagerly for me at the door. Before I could grab a slice of leftover toast, Sapphire grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the door. Just as the door was about to close, I snatched up the house keys. Once outside, Sapphire and I ran to the concert venue, which wasn't far from our house. We were early, so Sapphire and I went to our seats. I told Sapphire to wait for me while I went to the bathroom. When I was back, to my horror, Sapphire wasn't there. I panicked and started shouting her name receiving weird glances from the other early bird fans but i didn't care i needed to find Saph " Saph! Saph!, this is not funny, where are you?" I cried, my heart palpitating . I walked backward, calling out Sapphire's name. Just then, I tripped,( my red blowing into my face) But all of a sudden, someone caught me. A guy with blue eyes and blond hair stared at me. " Sorry, but have you seen-" I started. "Meglemore!" Sapphire's sweet voice interrupted. I jumped out of the guy's arms and ran towards her. I scooped her into my arms " Saph where were you? are you hurt? Don't ever leave like that ever again, even if there is a cute boy giving away free 5sos posters, i was so worried" I said all in one breath then I turned around all thanked the blond-haired guy for catching me and headed back to my seat. All this time, Sapphire was staring at him with her mouth open.

Whats up homies? did you like the first Chapter? hope you did..hey, did you guess who that blonde-haired guy was? yep...he's Luke Hemmings with those blue eyes and lip piercing :0 let's take 3 minutes to thank the heavens for bringing him to earth lol I'm






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