Chapter 7

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Quote of the day:Nobody's perfect so don't worry

Megan's POV
Sapphire heads off to the bathroom while I lead Shawn up to my bedroom.My house had no extra rooms so I let Shawn sleep with me.As he put what little stuff he had in my wardrobe,I fell on my bed.Shawn plopped down next to me.Sapphire had already eaten her supper at Oliver's house, so I didn't worry.Without meaning to,I fell asleep,wrapped in Shawn's muscular arms.

I woke up to the smell of burning wood.I sat bolt upright.I shook Shawn awake.He too can smell the smoke.I gulp as I look out the window.The person living next to us has set his house on fire.
I knew there wasn't something quite right about Mr Parg.

But the fire had spread to my house.Shawn and I scrambled out of bed,and ran out the door.Already half of my house was on fire.I heard screaming and I gasped."Sapphire!" I cried,dashing up to her room.The whole room was on fire and the doorway was on fire."Meglemore!Help!" Sapphire screamed,running to the door.Just as she was about to reach me,a burning piece of the doorway fell, blocking Sapphire from escaping. "No! No! Sapphire!" I screamed, trying to climb in to rescue Sapphire.Shawn pulled me back."Meg! You'll die!" He cried, struggling to hold me as I pushed,kicked and fought to help Sapphire.The smoke filled my lungs and I gasped for air.The heat was slowly killing me.Shawn dragged me out of the house, and we collapsed on the pavement outside my house.Just then, firemen,police officers, and several ambulances arrived. I dragged my burnt ,injured body to a firemen. "Please! You have to help my sister! She's still in the building!Please!Help!She's-in-building..." I shrieked, crumpling to the ground,lying helplessly as a team of firemen raced into the house.But when a paramedic tried to help me, I pushed him away.I refused to move until I saw Sapphire.As I kept my eyes glued to the building, I felt a hand on my burnt hair.I turned around."Luke!" I cried, throwing my arms around him.Luke didn't say a word.He sat cross legged beside me as he, Shawn and I stared at the burning house.After a while, the firemen appeared.One of them placed Sapphire's limp,sooty, burnt body on the stretcher.The paramedics put a mask over her nose and mouth and they put her in the ambulance.As she went pass me, Sapphire reached out and whispered something to me.I tried to run in after her but Luke pulled me back."You're not allowed, and I don't think you want to see it." He whispered, his breath tickling my ear.All of a sudden, an urge came.I suddenly wanted to taste Luke again.I pressed my lips against his, and when we pulled apart again, I took a deep breath and passed out.
"Ugh where am I?"I muttered,trying to sit up in bed.There were tubes poking out from my arms, and my voice was muffled by a mask.My entire body was numb and I couldn't move.Each breath caused a great effort, and it felt like my lungs were on fire."Fire...." I thought,trying to remember what happened.Using all my strength, I sat up and blinked until my vision cleared.The first thing I saw was Luke,Michael and Calum, asleep with their mouths hanging open."Hey. you're awake." A voice said. I slowly turned around .Ashton was sitting next to my bed, his eyes clearly showing signs of tiredness."How long have you guys been waiting for me?" I asked, my voice rough and hoarse. Ashton shrugged. "Only a day or two" he replied, moving closer to me. "We canceled our remaining tours as this was the only tour we had left." he murmured.Then, Ashton stood up."You want something?" he asked."I'm going to the cafe" I shook my head. Ashton nodded, kissed my forehead then left. I settled back down. "Meg! You're awake!" another voice made me sit up again.Luke was sitting where Ashton was. He leaned in and kissed me. In the middle of the kiss, I remembered. I pulled away and gripped Luke's arms "Luke! Where's Sapphire?!" I shrieked, louder than I intended. A look of pity crept on Luke's face. I gulped. I already knew what the answer would be.

Luke's POV

Oh god.The look on Megan's face.The panic in her voice when she asked me about Sapphire. I didn't know how to tell her I couldn't just say 'oh,your sister is dead she is in heaven now'. Sapphire was dead. She had been burnt to death during the fire. As I told this to Megan,she went crazy. She screamed extremely loudly. Oh no.I feel horrible. Megan must hate everyone for not saving Sapphire, and holding her back when she tried to rescue Sapphire.Poor Megan.She has no family now.

Megan's POV

"Meg....Sapphire is...dead." Luke said taking my hands off his shoulders and gripping them tightly. "No.It can't be.No.This can't be true.Please No! It can't be true!" I screamed leaping out of bed. I tore the tubes from my arms and body and winced. The pain from the burns really hurt without the drugs in the tubes to numb me. I stumbled out of the room,forcing my feet to bring me to the counter.Luke runs out,but it's too late. I asked the nurse where Sapphire's room was and I sprinted,despite the pain, all the way to room 304. I burst in. A bunch of doctors and nurses were crowded around Sapphire's bed. They all turned around to look at me when I came in. "Sapphire!" I screamed, pushing them aside and falling to my knees.My sister,my wonderful,beautiful nine year old sister.Was gone.And she was never coming back. "NO! PLEASE! SAPPHIRE! PLEASE! COME BACK!! YOU CAN'T GO!!" I shrieked,tears streaming down my face as I shook her lifeless body, begging it to come back to life.A nurse gently touched my shoulder."She's no longer with us.She's in a happier place now." she muttered in a soothing tone. I turned to face her, anger surfacing."NO! LIAR! SHE WAS PERFECTLY HAPPY HERE!! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY,SHE WAS HAPPY!" I screeched, banging my fists against the side of the bed.Then Luke knelt beside me and put an arm around me."Meg she's right.She's happier.She's with your parents now.And they'll watch over you.They'll take care of you"he whispered in my ear. I shook my head, rage turned to tears. "I'm so sorry Saph. I didn't rescue you. I let you burn." I sobbed. "Saph. Sapphire .Please come back.Please." I whispered.,touching her face. I calmed down, and collapsed in a fit of tears.I would never see those sky blue eyes smile at me ever again.Never hear that sweet voice say-"Meglemore!" I snapped my head up. I hopefully touched Sapphire's face.Was she alive?No.It was Oliver. He ran in and gasped. Then, Oliver started to sing the sweetest song I ever heard.

"I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted, I thought about our last kiss,how it felt, the way you tasted.And even though your friends tell me you're doing fine, are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you? when he says those words that hurt you do you read the ones I wrote you? Sometimes I start to wonder was it just lie? If what we had was real, how could you be fine? 'cause I'm not fine at all.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving, I remember the makeup running down your face, and the dreams you left behind you didn't need them, like every single wish we ever made, I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things.Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you, and the memories I never can escape 'cause I'm not fine at all."

While Oliver was singing, I sat on the cold,hard floor and felt tears welling up in my eyes.Luke lifted me up and brought me back to my hospital bed. As he laid me down, I felt my anger returning. I started screaming again. A few nurses ran in, and a doctor shot a sedative into my arm. As I started to pass out, I saw Luke, sitting beside my bed, kissing my forehead and stroking my hair.


I CRIED WHILE WRITING THIS AHHH and I am so sorry guys so so sorry I don't update this book like...often because it's kind of hard idk why but it is so yeah don't forget to read my other books and stuff and also,






bye lol

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